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Home » WATCH! First Nation People Forgave American Government ; Christian Men Across the Nation Gather in Washington DC.

WATCH! First Nation People Forgave American Government ; Christian Men Across the Nation Gather in Washington DC.



First Nation People Forgave American Government for Broken Treaties in Washington, D.C.

The First Nation people of America went on their own as a people to Washington D.C. to the Washington Monument to specifically forgive America for broken treaties. Charisma News reports on this action that took place on October 21, 2016, “Largely unnoticed, 1,000 Native American Indian tribes from the United States and Canada collectively forgave the U.S. government for breaking treaties with their ancestors during a public ceremony on the National Mall. The National Day of Prayer for First Nations, held near the Washington Monument, included intercessory petitions, proclamations and declarations of forgiveness by leaders from All Tribes D.C., a fellowship of Christians representing 1,000 American Indians from the U.S. and Canada.” There is a statue on the U.S. Capitol Building, and at the highest point, the statue is a Native American. By the First Nation people extending this forgiveness, it is believed that the start of a national awakening happened at that moment.

Less than 60 days after this event American Veterans stood before leaders of the Native American Tribes and asked for forgiveness for the terrible things that happened at the hands of military members. They knelt before the Native American leaders in humility and asked for forgiveness. “We came, we fought you, we took your land…and then we took your children…but, we’ve come to say that we are sorry. We are at your service, and we beg for your forgiveness.” A war cry broke out as soon as they asked for forgiveness. This war cry sounded much like a war cry that sounded as Chuck Pierce shared a prophetic word concerning breaking out of old structures and that a new anointing is coming. Watch or listen to the full segment to hear the full words and be encouraged! Also shared in this segment: The Year of the Wind, Washington is a House of Cards, bulldozers, prophecy, and prayer. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.

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Christian Men Across the Nation Gather in Washington DC. -1 Million of Them

Promise Keepers is a movement that had small groups throughout the nation where men gathered to draw closer to the Lord. One million men came from all over the nation and gathered together in Washington, D.C. to seek God and to make a statement to the nation that it is all about the Father’s heart. It was such a powerful time to see these men and to hear them cry out and sing for Jesus to make a man out of me, a man of the Spirit. Maybe you want to decide to be a man or woman of the Spirit and to follow Jesus. Visit Meet My Father to read our stories and how you can make Jesus the Lord of your life. Also shared in this segment: Washington Monument, Humility. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Screenshot courtesy of salon.com

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