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Home » WATCH! You a Leader? God Can Call You at any moment: Oklahoma Senator James Lankford Heard and Responded to God’s Call; Prophesy: I will Begin to Redeem the Media Airwaves

WATCH! You a Leader? God Can Call You at any moment: Oklahoma Senator James Lankford Heard and Responded to God’s Call; Prophesy: I will Begin to Redeem the Media Airwaves



You a Leader? God Can Call You at any moment: Oklahoma Senator James Lankford Heard and Responded to God’s Call

Have you thought of yourself as a governmental leader? God can call us at any moment to do anything! Senator James Lankford did not know he was going to be called to work as a government official. Senator Lankford shares his story with CBN News about why he became a Senator. He sees himself as the most unlikely person to be in the government. He is a Pastor and led the largest Christian camp, Falls Creek. “It’s as if it jumped off the page and I heard God say, ‘That’s what I want you to do,’” he recalled. “And it wasn’t audible; it wasn’t a big boom. It was just this overwhelming sense ‘You asked me before what I was looking for. That’s it.’ And I remember just leaning back in my chair and thinking, ‘Well, that’s insane,’” he said. “That’s not even rational, but I just couldn’t shake it. It was just one of those crystal-clear moments.” As soon as God spoke this to him he stepped down from Falls Creek and began his journey to become a Senator. Now as a Senator he says in response to people’s question, ‘Are you having fun yet?’ “I’m not there to be a celebrity. I’m not there to go and play. There’s a lot of work that has to be done, and it’s a mess.” As he is working out the mess people are being saved because of his faithfulness to serve God even in his job as a Senator. You could be the answer to help America’s government be reestablished to it’s original intent. We in America must participate in the process of our government working as it should. At VFNKB we can help educate about government and how you can make a difference. Also, shared in this segment: Abortion, Planned Parenthood, David Daleiden, Mary Fallin, Governor, Route 66, Death Master File, Social Security Numbers, prayer, faith, and Civil Christianity. Greg and Steve shared in this segment. 

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Prophesy: I will Begin to Redeem the Media Airwaves

A prophetic word is shared by Bill Yount that God will begin to redeem the media and the airwaves in 2017. Bill shared this word with Greg as he was on a sabbatical to seek and hear the voice of God and to hear what was in store for the year 2017. God answered with the prophetic word. “I sense there’s something in the air. It’s as though heaven is descending a little lower to earth. The “prince of the power” of the air is being divinely “interfered with” and massively interrupted. I heard heaven proclaim. “The time has come to redeem the airwaves covering the earth and begin to impact the media to become a conduit to pour out My Spirit upon all flesh! I then saw angels begin to anoint satellite stations and dishes above the earth. And on the earth angels were descending upon huge television and radio towers. Great heavenly broadcasting interference was about to come upon the earth. Angels were being assigned to billboards, newspapers and nationwide magazines. Even addresses of “pornographic empires” were being given to angels for assignments. Anything the angels could get their hands on was about to be used to noise and alert people about the coming of a great outpouring of God’s Spirit and love coming to earth. Computer online services would feel the weight of God’s Glory impacting them.”

The voice of God has placed VFNKB, with the daily television program, in a place to be heard across all nations and we are now reaching over 100 countries around the world. Be encouraged with this time that is here and how the things on this earth are shifting back to God. Also, shared in this segment: CNN, MSNBC, media, false reporting, Baal’s prophets, and News Anchors. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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