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Home » Honest Conversation Exploring Communism, Socialism, Capitalism and Freedom Milton Friedman

Honest Conversation Exploring Communism, Socialism, Capitalism and Freedom Milton Friedman



In this interview, Milton Friedman answers questions concerning government and equality in America. He starts with answering a question concerning how countries like America became wealthy so fast due to slavery and what that has to do with Capitalism. Milton answers, “Capitalism is not a sufficient condition for freedom. It’s a necessary condition. I never said where you have capitalism, you have freedom…where ever you have freedom, you have capitalism. Capitalism is a necessary condition, but not a sufficient condition.” There is a more perfect union written about in the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution, but there is no perfect union. Fighting against our government and authority like the Police is fighting against freedom. Many things in America are pointing to people fighting against freedom. Our rights and freedom come from God and as Americans we should repent of turning from God and turn back to God!

In America we already have equality because it is written in the Constitution but there are still people fighting for equality. “A society that puts equality before freedom will get neither. A society that puts freedom before equality will get a high degree of both.” If we want freedom we will need to put freedom first. We go into a place of captivity when we turn our back on God and we will lose our freedom if we, as America, do not turn back to God as a nation! We want to hear from you. Also shared in this segment: economics, Chavez, President Obama, currency, Ichabod, Woodrow Wilson, Saddam Hussein, Coup, Deviled Eggs, tyranny, and prayer. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.

Courtesy of Pixabay.com

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