In the days where it seems so many are trying by every means possible to promote themselves, get more, reach the top, get the most, but looking back on how …
He ran into a man’s house with his spear and drove it through the man’s back and into the belly of the woman he was committing adultery with killing them …
On a precious Sunday the Lord turned Greg Lancaster message suddenly to focus on the history of past moves of God and what had to occur prior to them taking …
I heard today on the news a Cuban businessman describing Americans as being “the kings of the world.” This message will explore that very notion as we consider God’s perspective …
There are so many children that have been left on the door step of their houses looking for a promised return of their father to come and many find that …
If you were once on fire for the Lord and enjoyed your time with Him, your fellowship with other believers, your church family, your time of coming together to learn …
There is a cost to living in rebellion to God and failing to acknowledge Him personally and as a nation. That cost is oppressive leadership, or living an oppressed life. …
When a shark locks into its prey, it’s eyes roll back into its head and takes away its ability to see. In this message, we’ll see how an entire community, …