LISTEN NOW! 2019 Greater Surge of Spiritual Power and Momentum; The King of Glory Positioned Over the United States, Dutch Sheets When God tells us something prophetically, we will usually …
FaithFaith MountainFamily MountainGovernment MountainHopeLoveProphecy for AmericaProphecy for the WorldVFNtv ProgramsWATCH FULL PROGRAM
WATCH! Christmas in the White House + Children Share What Christmas Means to Them + Beyond Encouraging! God has Marked Your Seed Prophecy- Pastor John Kilpatrick + VFN Church is Family + Pray for Pensacola – 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting for Breakthrough
AbidingCrisisDiscipleshipFaithFaith MountainGovernment MountainHopeOriginal Intent of the ChurchProphecy for AmericaThird Great AwakeningVFNtv ProgramsWATCH FULL PROGRAM