Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Home » WATCH! Christmas in the White House + Children Share What Christmas Means to Them + Beyond Encouraging! God has Marked Your Seed Prophecy- Pastor John Kilpatrick + VFN Church is Family + Pray for Pensacola – 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting for Breakthrough

WATCH! Christmas in the White House + Children Share What Christmas Means to Them + Beyond Encouraging! God has Marked Your Seed Prophecy- Pastor John Kilpatrick + VFN Church is Family + Pray for Pensacola – 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting for Breakthrough



Christmas in the White House

First Lady Melania Trump walks through the White House and shows the world the beautiful Christmas decorations. It is beautiful, bright and full of light. Be carried into the Christmas season as you watch!

Greg shares how God showed him that the White House was filled with all Americans not just the “elites.” When we look at the history of  The White House it is known as the People’s House and with the Trump administration now in office; we see that it is now the People’s House again as many more people have visited than we have seen in many years. We pray you have a blessed Christmas and be sure to watch the full segment to see the beautiful White House ready for Christmas. We want to hear from you! You can write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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PRICELESS: Children Share What Christmas Means to Them

What does Christmas mean to you? This is a great question to ask yourself and others. Some students share what Christmas means to them, and they remind us of the true meaning of Christmas.

One little girl responds to the question what does Christmas mean to you? “Christmas is about spending time with your family and opening presents and eating lots of Christmas ham.”

A young boy gives his response to the same question. “At school, we have been learning that Christmas is about the birth of Jesus. It’s not just all about presents. It’s about loving, caring and being kind to everyone. Even your brothers and sisters.” 

Another young boy shares his answer. “Christmas is about to me loving, sharing, being nice to one another. Because it doesn’t matter if you get presents or not it’s just being loving to one another.”

Be sure to watch the full segment and be encouraged by all these responses! We want to hear from you and what Christmas means to you! Write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared segment.

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Beyond Encouraging! God has Marked Your Seed Prophecy- Pastor John Kilpatrick

Most of us have prayed for our children even before they were born, desiring for God to use our children and for them to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Pastor John Kilpatrick with Church of His Presence received a prophetic word on November 11, 2018, declaring that God has marked our children! It is very encouraging and has touched many people. Claim this word for your children and yourself!

“I have already marked your seed. They shall not be outside, but they will be inside the ark of My presence. You have become drunk with the cares of this life and you are troubled in mind and spirit, says the Lord.  You are troubled by the things that you believe will be beyond your reach, but you must know that I have heard your prayers from the first day that you came to Me with tears and a trembling heart about your concern. I have already answered the very thing that you are anxious about.  

“Your seed will touch many! They have been chosen from long ago. They will emerge at the hour of my choosing. These children of yours will be almost unrecognizable to you because I will anoint them to do exploits!  They will know me, and they will accomplish all I have laid My hand on them to do. Not only will they do great things, but they will in the company of those I am raising up who also will do great things. They will be friends with mighty evangelists. They will be friends with anointed psalmists as well as highly anointed and influential Christian leaders. And God said your children and your grandchildren will meet together regularly to share amazing stories of breakthrough and answered prayers. And their stories will even exceed your own stories. I have declared this to be so even before you were wed. They will become even greater than you can imagine. They have My name already stamped upon their foreheads. They shall go in and out of places where others cannot go.  

“As for you, you have fretted and grieved about what kind of footprint you will leave behind. God said, Oh, but you cannot yet see what I have in store for you! Your previous footprint cannot compare to what God is going to do. I have already declared your end from the beginning. You are attempting to see in a dark place where My glory has not yet full arisen upon what I am going to do with you. You are looking through a glass darkly, My golden light will arise upon you and shall be seen upon you. Just as with Sarah of old your last trimester is going to produce far greater than you have ever known.  

“The thing that I am birthing in you, I am giving you the authority to tend to, to care for, and to bring to fruition the things that I have promised you, not somebody else. After a short travail, you will attend to what you have been carrying that no one else can see.  What you knew as a sketch will all be filled in with bold lines and dramatic color and framed just for this season of your life. What you once despised will be displayed as a complete work of My grace and glory. The things that you had to go through that caused you tears and heartbreak and anguish and even loss of confidence and at times a loss of faith. God said, what you once despised that season that you had to go through will now be on display like a piece of art on an easel. And it will be a completed work of My grace and My glory.  

“Your voice will be heard; your halting lack of confidence will melt away. I will cause your voice to carry others, and your words will become beams of light for those still struggling like you once struggled for so long caught between yesterday and today.  Do not attempt to look into My glorious plans because your eye can’t see yet and your ear can’t yet hear, and it’s not yet entered into your mind what I’m going to do.  What I have for you has appeared to you as a bucking stallion that you were unable to get on and ride. But when you finally mount the season that I have been preparing for you, you will find out that it wasn’t the horse at all that wasn’t ready, it was you! You will mount up with ease, and your latter footprint will be far greater than all the previous misunderstood years.   

“Only those who have been meek will ride with me in that day that I have declared and revealed unto you. This day I have measured you, and I have marked you and yours. And I will give you My hidden manna so that you may have the strength for the days ahead. Rejoice! I have not only hidden you in My pavilion, but I have hidden your sons and your daughters, and they shall abide under the shadow of My wings. I the Lord am more able to perform what I have promised.”

Lock into this word and receive it for you and your family and be encouraged! You can also watch or listen to the full prophecy. We want to hear how you have claimed this word. Write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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VFN Church is Family

There is something inside of us that desires family. When we look at family now though, it shows that many have lost what it is to be family. The world is messed up regarding what family should be because the Church is a mess! We must get back to fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters.

At VFN Dream Center we are family. There is an ebb and flow just like you would see in a healthy family. We take time to talk and minister to each other every Sunday, and through this time of ministry many are touched by the Lord and brought closer together as a family. Every person in a family whether in a physical family or a spiritual/Church family is important and is needed to help that family function as God designed!

“Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.  From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” Ephesians 4:15-16

We would love to have you join us this Sunday and be a part of our family. Our service time is at 10:30 AM CST and you can join live online! If you are in the Gulf Coast area, you can visit at 6500 Pensacola Boulevard Pensacola, Florida 32505. We have many members of our family all over the world that join us on Sundays so be a part! You can write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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Pray for Pensacola – 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting for Breakthrough

We have seen many positive changes take place in Pensacola, Florida in the past several years. Abortion clinics have closed, downtown Pensacola has been completely updated and is filled with life, poverty has dropped because many jobs have come to the city! It is great to see how God has answered many prayers and made changes in our city. Pray for Pensacola is 40 days of prayer and fasting for the city to be shifted in certain ways. There are specific areas to pray for every day to help have a focus. It starts on January 6, 2019, and you can sign up here to be a part. We want to hear from you! You can write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Pray for Pensacola shares about this time of prayer and fasting.

In 2008 a small group of about 100 people came together and made a decision to fast and pray 40 days for our city. That is how we started. We were a group from many different churches. We connected by the internet.  Back then, Pensacola was a small town with a large amount of problems. We had two abortion clinics. We didn’t have a real “full-time” mayor yet. The downtown was empty, old and dead on the weekends. Poverty was a continual issue. We decided to tackle a different problem every day for 40 days. We did this again in 2009, 2010 and continued each year till 2015. What we saw each year was that God slowly changed our city. We took off a few years but are jumping back in for 2019. We feel God leading us again. 

And YES! We are excited about what the Lord is going to do in our area this year. Because of all the prayers, we recognize God’s momentum in Pensacola, Escambia County and Santa Rosa County. We have seen the Pensacola area change DRAMATICALLY since 2008 when we first started to pray and fast for our area. Here are just a few victories…

1. There were two abortion clinics in 2008. Currently they are both closed because of much prayer and fasting. Jesus loves life. After all, He is the way, the truth and LIFE! 

2. We used to be considered a small, poor city. But now we have companies coming from all over such as Navy Federal and it’s 17,000 jobs. We have businesses coming and working on planes at the airport such as VT Mobile Aerospace bringing 400 highly paid jobs. The downtown area has a new YMCA, a new apartment building and many other businesses. About ten years ago, not many cared about the downtown area. That has all changed. 

3. God has protected Pensacola area from hurricanes ever since we have been fasting. Fasting against hurricanes is always on our list. 

4. We have seen Christians elected to very important positions and using prayer to change the areas they work for. Our Mayor Grover Robinson has always been a part of 40 days. 

5. We have seen many new churches start and new pastors move to the city.

These are just a few items but more importantly God is blessing Pensacola and the surrounding area. People are moving to our city because God has great plans for this place. So please join us as we pray and fast for 40 days this coming year. Experience God’s momentum as we put our prayers in motion on 2019.

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