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Home » Pray for Pensacola – 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting for Breakthrough

Pray for Pensacola – 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting for Breakthrough



We have seen many positive changes take place in Pensacola, Florida in the past several years. Abortion clinics have closed, downtown Pensacola has been completely updated and is filled with life, poverty has dropped because many jobs have come to the city! It is great to see how God has answered many prayers and made changes in our city. Pray for Pensacola is 40 days of prayer and fasting for the city to be shifted in certain ways. There are specific areas to pray for every day to help have a focus. It starts on January 6, 2019, and you can sign up here to be a part. We want to hear from you! You can write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Pray for Pensacola shares about this time of prayer and fasting.

In 2008 a small group of about 100 people came together and made a decision to fast and pray 40 days for our city. That is how we started. We were a group from many different churches. We connected by the internet.  Back then, Pensacola was a small town with a large amount of problems. We had two abortion clinics. We didn’t have a real “full-time” mayor yet. The downtown was empty, old and dead on the weekends. Poverty was a continual issue. We decided to tackle a different problem every day for 40 days. We did this again in 2009, 2010 and continued each year till 2015. What we saw each year was that God slowly changed our city. We took off a few years but are jumping back in for 2019. We feel God leading us again. 

And YES! We are excited about what the Lord is going to do in our area this year. Because of all the prayers, we recognize God’s momentum in Pensacola, Escambia County and Santa Rosa County. We have seen the Pensacola area change DRAMATICALLY since 2008 when we first started to pray and fast for our area. Here are just a few victories…

1. There were two abortion clinics in 2008. Currently they are both closed because of much prayer and fasting. Jesus loves life. After all, He is the way, the truth and LIFE! 

2. We used to be considered a small, poor city. But now we have companies coming from all over such as Navy Federal and it’s 17,000 jobs. We have businesses coming and working on planes at the airport such as VT Mobile Aerospace bringing 400 highly paid jobs. The downtown area has a new YMCA, a new apartment building and many other businesses. About ten years ago, not many cared about the downtown area. That has all changed. 

3. God has protected Pensacola area from hurricanes ever since we have been fasting. Fasting against hurricanes is always on our list. 

4. We have seen Christians elected to very important positions and using prayer to change the areas they work for. Our Mayor Grover Robinson has always been a part of 40 days. 

5. We have seen many new churches start and new pastors move to the city.

These are just a few items but more importantly God is blessing Pensacola and the surrounding area. People are moving to our city because God has great plans for this place. So please join us as we pray and fast for 40 days this coming year. Experience God’s momentum as we put our prayers in motion on 2019.

Screenshot courtesy of Pray for Pensacola

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