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PRICELESS: Children Share What Christmas Means to Them



What does Christmas mean to you? This is a great question to ask yourself and others. Some students share what Christmas means to them, and they remind us of the true meaning of Christmas.

One little girl responds to the question what does Christmas mean to you? “Christmas is about spending time with your family and opening presents and eating lots of Christmas ham.”

A young boy gives his response to the same question. “At school, we have been learning that Christmas is about the birth of Jesus. It’s not just all about presents. It’s about loving, caring and being kind to everyone. Even your brothers and sisters.” 

Another young boy shares his answer. “Christmas is about to me loving, sharing, being nice to one another. Because it doesn’t matter if you get presents or not it’s just being loving to one another.”

Be sure to watch the full segment and be encouraged by all these responses! We want to hear from you and what Christmas means to you! Write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared segment.

Screenshot courtesy of Youtube.com TownsvilleCEO

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