LISTEN NOW! (Or WATCH FULL PROGRAM!) It is absolutely vital for America to stand with Israel. When we understand this reality, we can truly recognize the blessing when our leaders …
LISTEN NOW! AIPAC: American Israel Public Affairs Committee Boldly Standing with Israel Annual Event It is absolutely vital for America to stand with Israel. When we understand this reality, …
LISTEN NOW! (Or WATCH FULL PROGRAM!)Often, when God gives a prophetic word, it is the very contradiction of how things appear to be physically. This couldn’t be truer when Greg …
LISTEN NOW! (Or WATCH FULL PROGRAM!) President Trump continues to share words of encouragement as he takes the opportunity of sharing this weekly address to point our nation to the significance of …
LISTEN NOW! President Trump’s Weekly Address-Recognizing Passover and Easter – 04/14/17 President Trump continues to share words of encouragement as he takes the opportunity of sharing this weekly address …
LISTEN NOW! (Or WATCH FULL PROGRAM!) As President Donald Trump has been in the Oval Office since January, many have expressed their thoughts on his leadership and presence in the White House. …
LISTEN NOW! Uganda’s Thriving Business; The sacrifice of Children through Witchraft because of Greed- Is there any similarities to the 50 million plus abortions done in America since Roe …
LISTEN NOW! (Or WATCH FULL PROGRAM!) As we have seen, since President Trump has taken the Oval Office, he has proved himself in fulfilling the many promises that he voiced during his …
LISTEN NOW! (Or WATCH FULL PROGRAM!) As President Trump continues his productivity in the White House, he shares, in his most recent weekly address, how he has just signed The NASA Transition …
LISTEN NOW! President Trump’s Weekly Address As President Trump continues his productivity in the White House, he shares, in his most recent weekly address, how he has just …
LISTEN NOW! (Or Watch Full Program!) When individuals are running for a potential seat in our leadership, promises are made. When it comes time to elect the candidate for a designated position, …
LISTEN NOW! (Or Watch Full Program!) Considering how many people are traveling throughout the world right now, can you imagine traveling beyond the confines of our globe, past the Moon, and traveling …