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President Trump Speaks at the 65th National Prayer Breakfast


LISTEN NOW! President Trump has continued to be a part of the long time tradition of being a part of the National Prayer Breakfast, a this year was the 65th annual event. He spoke many encouraging words to the American people, as well as how hopeful he was to “be here 7 more times.”
Of the many things he has experienced along his campaign trail, the most encouraging, has been the American people. “Your prayers and faith have sustained me, and inspired me through some very tough times. All around America, I have met some amazing people, whose words of worship and encouragement have been a constant source of strength. What I hear most often as I travel the country, are five words that never, ever fail to touch my heart; that’s ‘‘I – AM – PRAYING – FOR – YOU’.’’
As President Trump acknowledged the many Americans that have encouraged him, he also acknowledged those that have been the greatest of inspirations to him, the families of the US Military. “I just came back yesterday from Dover AFB, to join the family of Chief William Ryan Owens, as America’s fallen hero, was returned home. Very, very sad; but, very, very beautiful. Very, very beautiful.” He highlights how we, as a nation must respond. “He gave his life for defense of our people. Out debt to him and our debt to his family is eternal, and everlasting. Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. We will never forget the men and women who wear the uniform.”
As the President talks about the priority to take care of our military, he expresses how they understand what truly matters in America; “…not party, not ideology, or creed, but the bonds of loyalty that link us all together as one.” The President continues to point out where true success lies; “All across our land, it’s plain to see that we easily forget, we so easily forget is that the quality of our lives is not defined by material success, but by our spiritual success.”
President Trump expressed how he was sworn into the Office of President on the same Bible that his mother taught him, and his siblings, as children. It is from this Biblical upbringing that he highlights this vital point; “We are not just flesh, and bone, and blood, we are human beings with souls. Our republic was formed on the basis that freedom was not a gift from government, but that freedom is a gift from God.”
“As long as we have God, we are never, ever alone. Whether it’s the soldier on the night watch, or the single parent on the night shift, God will always give us solace and strength, and comfort we need to carry on, and to keep carrying on.” The President continues to share where Washington must seek their wisdom. “For us here in Washington, we must never, ever stop asking God for the wisdom, to serve the public, according to His will.”


It is so beautiful to see President Trump moving in such humility and acknowledging God in so many ways. Continue to pray for President Trump and the entire Cabinet staff that he has nominated and appointed as they walk out each of their positions. See the full speech from President Trump, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: faith leaders, liberty, and prayer. Greg and Steve shared in this segment. 
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