We have been sharing many prophetic words about what the Lord has been revealing about what is to come in the near days ahead. Many are hearing that there are …
When we look back at the profound life and events that were carried out through such impacting men, like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. we see the mighty advances and …
The encouraging faith stirring stories and events of what God did through the Azusa Street Revival and the Brownsville Revival can still be heard throughout the nations to this day. …
Rick Joyner continues to bring encouragement when he spoke at the “New Year 2016” Conference. There have been many prophetic words about the coming moves of God that are about …
Often times, what we don’t know can hurt us. The Bible shares about the battle that we, the church, will experience when we walk with Jesus, against the Devil, in …
When we say the word “church”, what comes to our mind? What conversations come into play when we think about the word “church”? Most will think about where they meet. …
In the book of Matthew, it details an account that Jesus had with those who would often be considered His family while Jesus was ministering to others in a house. …
How often have you looked at a “long-term plan” as 5 years or even 10 years? Anything that we do should not be for this life. “They had not worshiped …
In Matthew 24:14, Jesus shared, ‘this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.’ This …
Greg, John, and Pat share about the importance of what is discussed in Dr. Alveda King’s book, King Rules. Dr. King writes about ‘the battle for civil rights in America proved that guns …
Faces coiled back in shock and surprise when the first videos were released from the Center of Medical Progress revealing alleged actions carried out by Planned Parenthood regarding the selling …
The Moravians were unified people that were able to come together without compromising their beliefs when they were with others. The motto of the Moravians, “In essentials Unity, in non-essentials …