In a recent study, according to, most Americans believe God rewards athletes with faith. “53 percent of Americans and 56 percent of self-described sports fans say athletes with faith …
Describing himself as a ‘father in this generation’, Dutch Sheets brings an encouraging reminder of how God has spoken to him of what is coming in the days ahead. Nearly …
In our everyday lives, we see injustices that are taking place. Whether who anyone may be, it matters how we respond to someone who is treated wrong. Greg shares a …
Our hearts are saddened and broken for our fellow citizens on the Gulf Coast who are suffering as a result of Hurricane Harvey, which came barreling in as category 4 …
When two young Christian men heard of an atheist slave owner who controlled nearly 3,000 slaves, their reactions are still sending ripples of their boldness to this day. No minister …
In the book of Matthew, it details an account that Jesus had with those who would often be considered His family while Jesus was ministering to others in a house. …
When we look back at the profound life and events that were carried out through such impacting men, like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. we see the mighty advances and …
Greg, Pat and John share about a recent discussion and presentation given by Lance Wallnau. Often times we forget that the church is a people, not a building. Jesus said, …
In 1906, a move of God shook the world that is now known as “The Azusa Street Revival”. What many may not know is that one of the significant characteristics …
Young adults that are hungry for the things of God are gathering to learn how they can have a greater impact on the heart of God during their lives. It …
Prophesy is history in advance, to speak things that have not yet come. Some may be aware of it, some may not be, but many have been speaking about the …