2020 is the beginning of the wealth transfer that is coming to the Body of Christ. Kent Christmas is just one of the many prophetic voices echoing to all of Creation what God is about to do upon the Earth. When speaking at Rock Church, Christmas shared just some of the mighty wonders that God would be doing for the sake of souls coming to Christ.
“This year, 2020, is the beginning of a last transfer of wealth in the Earth. This final move of My presence and glory is not a revival for the Church. For revival is for the lukewarm. This final harvest, and this harvest is only for the lost. This harvest is for a generation that did not reject me, did not see what they [inaudible], but rejected the counterfeit church. The Church that’s going to bring in the last harvest will not look like the Church of past generations. Your pews are gonna have men and women on ‘em with dyed hair, and mohawks, and tattoos, and generational piercings. But they will be changed and washed by the blood of the Lamb and will give me the glory that I have so longed for.”
This is so deeply exciting! This is just one of the many different voices that are hearing how this is the beginning year of the coming wealth transfer. It’s so important to remember, that the wealth transfer is for the harvest of souls! When we look at those that God is bringing to Himself, we can see that God is dealing with the religious spirit in the land! It’s time to wake up from the religious spirit!
God also showed John Kilpatrick a similar insight to the mighty harvest that is about to come in. What God showed Kilpatrick was the integral role that the internet will play. “The Lord said there is coming a great International Harvest of Souls through the internet and online. He said that the internet will light up as the Holy Spirit accelerates His mighty wonders. He also said the net and the lines will bring tremendous and miraculous provision to the Body of Christ because time is of the essence and the waters are abundant for harvest.” It takes significant wealth to thoroughly bring in a harvest of such magnitude and size.
Greg Lancaster wrote about the purpose of this coming wealth transfer, and the importance for each of us in the Body of Christ to fight the good fight of faith, in his new book I WILL FIGHT: Ten Strategies for Success. God wants success for each one of us. But this success comes with a fight. It is in this journey we need wisdom so that we can be prepared for the great coming provision to bring in the harvest for the Lord.
Many who watch and understand sports, understand that a coach, as well as a referee can control the activity of all the participants at one time using a simple item: a whistle. For things to begin, the whistle is blown. Did you know that God has a whistle too? Greg Lancaster received a prophetic encounter from the Lord where he was given a whistle and was told to blow in it. It wasn’t your traditional whistle, when you think of a whistle. This one was different. When Greg attempted to blow into it, nothing happened. He was told, “this whistle will take diamonds”. Initially he was shaken as he considered the need for diamonds, but then reminded himself to declare it in faith; “DIAMONDS BE!” And then diamonds appeared. As soon as Greg started pouring in the diamonds into the whistle, the harvest of people immediately started coming from everywhere. God is about to blow His whistle!
“I will whistle for them and gather them in,
for I have redeemed them,
and they shall be as many as they were before.”
-Zechariah 10:8
Our character matters especially if we want to be a part of the wealth transfer for the harvest and the harvest itself. Our giftings and talents can take us places our character can’t keep us. “What a man builds with his gifts and talents, he tears down with his character,” Charles Simpson. God has been giving people wealth for years, but it simply went through their hands. People didn’t have the character to be faithful with greater increase. We need to get into relationship and under a shepherd so that we can learn and be raised up in Christ. God wants to give us tremendous increase, but He doesn’t want to lose us in the process.
Be encouraged as you see the whole conversation of this great coming wealth transfer. Also shared in this segment: Kent Christmas, John Kilpatrick, I WILL FIGHT: Ten Strategies for Success, problem solving, the good fight of faith, success, great wealth, guts, process, ridicule, declaration, declaring words, mental battles, learning curves, and faith. Greg shared in this segment.
Image Courtesy of Storyblocks.com
Great Wealth Transfer for the Final Harvest of the earth. Kent Christmas, Jan. 2, 2020
Emmaus Road Discipleship
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