Speaking into his microphone in Italian, his interpreter expresses his words of humility in English, “We’re a Catholic delegation and I come from Italy; and I bring you a salute from 150 Million Charismatic Catholics. We’re part of the same family and we are also a part of the family of Azusa Street!”He continues to share that God has called us to be One Body as the Church. But, because of division in the Church, this has not been achieved. He continues, “We need to repent, that after 2,000 years, the world doesn’t believe yet that Christ is Lord. What hinders the world form knowing Jesus…is the division of Christians. Division is a diabolical sin. We need to repent and pray.”
LISTEN NOW! (Or WATCH FULL PROGRAM!) In Amos 3:7, God reveals that, “Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.” When we see the actions that are happening in America, it is important to remember that God first said that it would happen. God has spoken many prophetic words through the late Kim Clement, who has now gone to be with the Lord. During a prophetic word shared in 2005, in Nashville, TN, Clement prophesied a powerful word regarding the Catholic Church.
“I speak of My Holy Spirit. I speak of My Holy Spirit. I speak of the Holy Spirit shall be given to the Roman Catholic Church.” Clement continues to detail what God has declared, “I will put in the Papal and into the Pope a spirit of jealousy, for God said, ‘he will be jealous and he will say God must be God, and they will say, you cannot change it.”
More than 100 years ago, the world was impacted by how the Holy Spirit was poured out during the Azusa Street Revival that took place in 1906. Now, only a year ago, Lou Engle orchestrated a powerful gathering at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum for the 100-year anniversary of the Azusa Street Revival. It was called ‘Azusa Now’. It was during this mighty event in Los Angeles that a delegation from the Pope attended the Azusa Now event to represent the Catholic Church. Catholic leader Matteo Calisi, with his interpreter to his right, spoke to Lou Engle and the many who were in attendance.
Speaking into his microphone in Italian, his interpreter expresses his words of humility in English, “We’re a Catholic delegation and I come from Italy; and I bring you a salute from 150 Million Charismatic Catholics. We’re part of the same family and we are also a part of the family of Azusa Street!”He continues to share that God has called us to be One Body as the Church. But, because of division in the Church, this has not been achieved. He continues, “We need to repent, that after 2,000 years, the world doesn’t believe yet that Christ is Lord. What hinders the world form knowing Jesus…is the division of Christians. Division is a diabolical sin. We need to repent and pray.”
He continues to speak repentance expressing these words, “We Catholics, we’ve received so much from the Azusa Street Revival, but we want to sow a debt, we want to ask you Protestants, we want to ask your forgiveness for not respecting the love of the law of Jesus; for not respecting you and showing love and generosity. In this humility. We ask that you forgive us in the name of Jesus.” As he continues to express his humility, he shares, “We want to kiss your feet, as Catholics and honor you with this gesture.” A powerful and holy moment ensues as the Matteo Calisi lays castrate on the ground while embracing the feet of Engle. Engle recognizes the significance of this moment and responds the same gesture in a powerful act of humility before the Lord.
Matteo Calisi and his interpreter traveled all the way from Italy to what God had orchestrated in Los Angeles. It is important that no man knew what God was doing; not Clement, not Calisi, and not Engle. But, we must recognize the Hand of God and see how these powerful events transpire. Be inspired and lifted up as you see the full prophetic word delivered from Kim Clement, the full words from Matteo Calisi, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Holy Spirit, prophetic word, prophecy, Kim Clement, forgiveness, repentance, humility, Lou Engle, and Azusa Now. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Courtesy of GaudiLab/Shutterstock.com
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