LISTEN NOW! Kim Clement was a man of humility that was powerfully used by the Lord in the prophetic during his life. Many people assume that they have to have talents and mighty abilities to be used by God. But this is not the case. Kim knew that he didn’t have mighty abilities, but what he did have, his song, he gave it all to the Lord. “I had nothing. I had no education to give you. All I had to give you was my hands and my song, and you gave me these beautiful people to make music with me.” He was known for his powerful prophetic voice and he spoke while dancing his fingers across the keys of his piano. His life continues to echo through the many lives that he impacted here on Earth. Remember the Clement family in your prayers, and all of those remembering his life as you see him worship before the Lord, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: talents, gifts, music, and leadership. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.
screen capture from kimclement.com
screen capture from kimclement.com
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