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Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

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Home » Understanding Dreams and Visions in the Last Days, Pastor John Kilpatrick

In a recent sermon, Pastor John Kilpatrick of the Church of His Presence shared a powerful message about the significance of dreams and visions as we approach the end of the age. Drawing from personal experiences and biblical references, he explored how God is speaking to His people through these spiritual dimensions. As we draw closer to the second coming of Christ, it’s crucial to prepare ourselves and the younger generation for this unique form of divine communication.

The Importance of Staying Spiritually Relevant

Pastor Kilpatrick opened his message by stressing the importance of staying relevant in ministry, especially as the world changes week by week. He emphasized that every sermon must come from fresh revelations of God’s Word, tailored to meet the needs of those who may have faced new challenges throughout the week.

“It’s always such a high honor to come behind a podium and to be able to speak into a microphone and minister to people. It’s a high, high honor, and we never take that for granted.”

Kilpatrick recognized that as ministers, it’s vital to maintain spiritual relevance. The Holy Spirit guides the church, and those who preach must remain connected to the Spirit in order to address the real-time needs of their congregations. Without the Holy Spirit, Kilpatrick believes that his work as a preacher would be ineffective.

God Speaks Through Dreams

Throughout the sermon, Pastor Kilpatrick revisited the concept of dreams, recounting a personal memory from his childhood when his mother read a passage from the book of Joel to him. As a child, Kilpatrick wondered if God would ever speak to him through dreams—and sure enough, He did.

He believes that many of us, particularly the younger generation, are currently experiencing dreams sent by God, though we might not fully recognize their significance. Just like Samuel in Eli’s house, people are receiving messages from God but may not understand what to do with them. Pastor Kilpatrick encouraged parents and grandparents to train their children and grandchildren to be spiritually sensitive to dreams, saying:

“I’m concerned about your children and grandchildren because we’re going to have to train them to understand what’s happening when they sleep.”

Kilpatrick highlighted how he often hears from individuals who say they’ve never dreamed as vividly as they do now. These dreams, he believes, are divinely inspired, and God is preparing His people for what is to come.

Dreams and Visions in Scripture

To emphasize the importance of dreams, Kilpatrick referenced several scriptures. In Psalm 16:7, the Bible says, “I will bless the Lord, who has given me counsel; my reins also instruct me in the night seasons.” He also quoted Joel 2:28-32, which states:

“It shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh; your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.”

This prophecy, Kilpatrick noted, is coming to pass in our generation. As we inch closer to the return of Jesus Christ, dreams and visions are becoming increasingly vivid. He reminded the audience that these are not just meant for older believers but for all generations.

The Role of Dreams in the End Times

As the world moves closer to the end times, Pastor Kilpatrick believes that dreams and visions will be one of the primary ways God speaks to His people. He explained that the Bible clearly predicts this in Acts 2:17, where it says that God will pour out His Spirit on all flesh, leading to prophecies, dreams, and visions.

Kilpatrick warned that we are also approaching the rise of the Antichrist and the false prophet. While the soon return of Jesus Christ is eagerly anticipated by believers, the emergence of the Antichrist will bring a 42-month period of terror for those who do not know or follow Christ. Understanding the times we are living in is crucial for every believer.

“My purpose today is to help all of us understand the times that we are moving into. Don’t dig your heels in because you can’t stop it…Just understand that this is coming toward us over the horizon.”

Kilpatrick cautioned believers to avoid becoming lukewarm in their faith, urging them to prepare for what’s ahead. He emphasized the need for believers to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in tongues, to build themselves up spiritually.


Different Types of Dreams

Pastor Kilpatrick outlined three main types of dreams, each of which serves different purposes:

  1. Spiritual Dreams from God

These dreams are divinely inspired and provide guidance, warnings, or encouragement from God. Many biblical figures, such as Joseph, Jacob, and Solomon, received spiritual dreams that changed the course of their lives and influenced the nation of Israel.

“A dream is a succession of images or ideas presented on the screen of the mind during sleep… Dreams are one of God’s favorite ways to speak to man.”

These spiritual dreams are designed to bring comfort, direction, and sometimes warnings.

  1. Natural Soulish Dreams

These dreams are produced by a person’s mind or emotions and are often influenced by their experiences, thoughts, and feelings. Kilpatrick explained that these dreams can reflect unresolved trauma, hurt, or emotional turmoil.

“Hurtful or dramatic experiences from the past, including wounding that you’ve experienced long ago, can project on the screen of your mind.”

These dreams, while not directly from God, still provide insight into a person’s emotional and mental state.

  1. Demonic or False Dreams

False or demonic dreams are crafted by Satan to terrorize, mislead, or manipulate individuals. These dreams are often used by the enemy to deceive and bring fear, without any constructive or positive outcomes.

“A false dream or demonic-inspired dream is crafted by Satan and his demons to terrorize or mislead you into danger or a trap.”

Kilpatrick warned that some individuals might claim to have received dreams about others in order to manipulate or control them, emphasizing the importance of discernment in understanding the source of a dream.

Warning Dreams vs. Nightmares

A significant portion of Kilpatrick’s message focused on the difference between warning dreams and nightmares. Warning dreams are often sent by God to prevent a person from making a wrong decision or entering into danger, as seen in the story of Abimelech in Genesis.

On the other hand, nightmares are night terrors meant to paralyze and instill fear. They have no constructive elements and can lead to anxiety and fear of both the night and the day. Nightmares are often caused by demonic influences or unresolved emotions and are designed to torment the dreamer.

“A nightmare is a night terror. It terrorizes you and torments you, and there’s no constructive, positive outcome to that dream.”

Defilement and Its Impact on Dreams

Kilpatrick also touched on the concept of spiritual defilement and how it can affect a person’s dreams. Watching inappropriate content or being around spiritually defiled people can open the door to demonic influences, leading to nightmares or disturbing dreams.

“You can get defiled by watching things on purpose, like paranormal programs, witchcraft, or pornography. Defilement can also happen by hanging around people who carry darkness.”

He encouraged believers to guard their minds and spirits by focusing on pure and holy things, as instructed in Philippians 4:8.

Encouragement for Those Struggling with Nightmares

For those experiencing nightmares or night terrors, Pastor Kilpatrick offered words of encouragement and a prayer of deliverance. He reminded believers that they have authority in Jesus Christ to overcome demonic attacks, including nightmares.

“Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. You have that authority, and you have that power.”

Kilpatrick assured his congregation that nightmares are often exaggerated illusions of evil and that they have the power, through the Holy Spirit, to overcome them.

Conclusion: Preparing for the Last Days

As Pastor Kilpatrick concluded his message, he reminded the congregation that God is speaking to His people more than ever before. Dreams and visions are a vital part of the way God communicates with us, especially as we approach the end times.

He urged ministers to begin speaking about these subjects from their pulpits, to equip the younger generation with the knowledge and understanding of what God is doing through dreams and visions. Kilpatrick emphasized that the return of Christ is imminent, and as we prepare for His coming, we must also be aware of the deception that will accompany the rise of the Antichrist.

The message was a call to be spiritually vigilant, discerning, and prepared for the days ahead.

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