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Home » Spiritual Warfare in the Last Days: Why the Enemy is Targeting Pastors and Churches – Solution? Revival! John Kilpatrick

Pastor John Kilpatrick is speaking about the spiritual state of the church, the challenges that pastors and believers are facing, and the need for revival in the last days. Here are the key points he is making:

  • Many Mighty Leaders Have Fallen – Kilpatrick acknowledges that many well-known pastors and spiritual leaders have fallen, but he does not criticize them because he recognizes that anyone could face similar struggles. He emphasizes that the Holy Spirit observes how people handle tests and trials.


  • Spiritual Testing and the Church’s Response – He describes the Holy Spirit as taking notes on how individuals and churches respond to challenges. Some churches crumble under small tests, while others stand firm. He warns against backbiting and division within the church.
  • The Church’s Role in the End Times – He strongly believes that we are living in the end times and that many churches and pastors are not addressing prophetic scriptures, particularly the Book of Revelation. He urges believers to “watch and pray” as Jesus commanded.
  • The Church Has Become Entertainment-Focused – He criticizes modern churches for becoming more like entertainment venues rather than places of worship and deep spiritual growth. He mentions shocking incidents, such as inappropriate performances at Christian conferences, as signs of this decline.
  • Wisdom in Handling Scandals – Kilpatrick advises against rushing to judgment when scandals arise in ministries. He emphasizes the importance of hearing all sides of the story and warns against the “feeding frenzy” that often follows the exposure of fallen leaders.
  • The Enemy’s Attack on the Church – He sees a widespread, aggressive attack from the enemy on pastors and influential Christian leaders. He believes this is a sign that the return of Jesus is near, as the Bible predicts that wickedness will increase in the last days.
  • The Need for Revival – Kilpatrick recalls his experience with the Brownsville Revival, where millions attended and many were saved. He argues that America and the world do not need another politician or party but rather a Holy Spirit-led revival.
  • Perseverance in Prayer – He shares a personal story about leading prayer meetings and how the devil tried to discourage him. He explains that revival often takes time and happens after intense spiritual battles, urging intercessors to stay faithful in prayer.
  • God’s Testing and Refinement – He explains that God sometimes “withdraws the consciousness of His presence” to test believers, similar to how He tested biblical figures like Hezekiah and Adam and Eve. He believes those who remain faithful will be refined like gold.
  • A Call to Spiritual Readiness – He wants to be someone that the Holy Spirit can count on and encourages others to seek the same spiritual integrity. He urges the church to stand strong and remain faithful amid trials.

Overall, Kilpatrick is warning of a great spiritual battle within the church, calling for revival, perseverance in prayer, and steadfastness in faith as the end times approach.


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