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Home » Pursuing Revival: A Call to Peace, Holiness, and a Pure Heart, Rick Renner

Introduction: A Fresh Word for Revival

The Lord directed me to Hebrews 12:14—a scripture that holds the key to unlocking revival in our lives. Together, let’s explore what this verse teaches us about pursuing peace, holiness, and God’s presence.

Let’s begin with prayer:
Father, we thank You for this time in Your Word. We ask You to speak to us today. Holy Spirit, open our hearts, take us into the Scriptures, and change us. In Jesus’ name, amen.

If you are hungry for revival in your life, if you’ve been chasing after it and deeply desiring it, this is for you.


“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.” Matthew 5:6 (NKJV)

Hebrews 12:14 – Breaking It Down

“Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.”

This verse is packed with wisdom, and today, I want to focus on four key words that reveal how to experience revival and the presence of God: follow, peace, holiness, and shall see.

Follow: Relentlessly Pursuing Peace

The word follow in Greek is dioko, which means to pursue something with intense determination—like a hunter tracking their prey. If you want peace in your relationships, you can’t sit back and wait for it to come to you. You’ve got to put on your hunting gear and follow peace until you capture it.

This same word is used in 1 Corinthians 14:1, where Paul instructs us to “follow after love.” Peace and love both require intentionality.

Let me tell you a story about this. When Denise and I first moved to the former Soviet Union, I had an issue with another pastor. He didn’t like me—probably because our church was growing, and he thought the city belonged to him.

One day, he stood in his pulpit and declared, “There’s another pastor in this town—a bald pastor. And I’m telling you, anyone who is bald is under a curse. You should never go to a church led by a cursed bald pastor!”

At first, I thought it was hilarious. But the more I thought about it, the more it started to get under my skin. So, the next Sunday, I stood in my pulpit and said, “I understand there’s another pastor in town who says bald pastors are cursed. Well, let me tell you my opinion: anyone whose growth is stunted and who is a pygmy must be under the real curse!”

And just like that, a war broke out between our churches.

Peace: Rebuilding Relationships

The Greek word for peace is eirene. It means to put away distractions, end hostilities, and enter into harmony and restoration. But let me tell you, peace doesn’t just happen. It requires effort, humility, and the willingness to swallow your pride.

The Holy Spirit started convicting me about my attitude toward that pastor. One day, He asked me, “Rick, do you want revival in your life?” I said, “Yes, Lord, I do.”

He asked again, “Do you really want revival?” I answered, “Yes, Lord, I really want revival.”

Finally, He said, “Then get in your car, drive across town, go into that pastor’s office, get on your knees, and ask for forgiveness for your attitude.”

I thought, Are You kidding me? Get on my knees? In front of him? He’s going to think his prophecy about pastors coming to him on their knees is coming true!

But the Holy Spirit wouldn’t let up. So, I went. When I walked into his office, people stared at me like I was a ghost. I sat down and started talking about the weather, politics—anything to avoid the real reason I was there.

Finally, I said, “I guess you’re wondering why I’m here. I need to ask for your forgiveness because I’ve had a bad attitude about all the things you’ve done.” Of course, I couldn’t resist throwing in a little jab about his behavior.

The Holy Spirit interrupted me: “Rick, you’re here to deal with YOU, not him.” So, I got on one knee. Then He said, “Both knees.” I knelt down in front of him, and let me tell you, the man looked like he was about to burst with joy—like his prophecy was coming true. But I did it. I asked for forgiveness, and from that day on, I made a decision to pursue peace with him relentlessly.

The Story of the “Mafia Preacher” and Sunlamps

Now, let me tell you another story—this one about a preacher we called the “mafia preacher.”

When we first started our TV ministry in the former Soviet Union, resources were scarce. My team needed new studio lights, and we found someone who claimed they could provide what we needed. We didn’t realize at the time that this preacher was running what was essentially a black market operation.

We bought 40 lights from him, thinking we were set for our next round of recordings. I sat under those lights for eight hours filming TV programs. It was incredibly hot, so I had my feet in buckets of water to cool down. When I walked out of the studio, my team told me something strange: “Rick, there’s something wrong with the cameras. You look so red.”

They kept trying to adjust the monitors and fix the colors, but nothing worked. Eventually, someone realized the problem—it wasn’t the cameras; it was me. My skin was bright red because the mafia preacher had sold us sunlamps instead of studio lights.

After eight hours under those lamps, my skin was blistered, and my eyes were so badly burned that we thought I might go blind. We called a doctor, and his advice was… unusual. He said, “Cover yourself in sour cream and wrap yourself in Saran Wrap.”

So there I was, laying on the couch, wrapped like an enchilada, in excruciating pain. And who do you think came to pray for me? That same mafia preacher. I thought, God, I’d rather stay burned than let this man be the one You use to heal me!

But God humbled me, and through his prayer, my eyes were healed.

Removing the Root of Bitterness

To experience true revival, you must uproot bitterness entirely. Cutting it off at the surface isn’t enough—it will grow back. Hebrews 12:15 warns that bitterness defiles many. Don’t let it destroy your relationships, peace, or connection with God.

Final Thoughts: Revival Starts in the Heart

God calls us to a higher standard. Strife, unforgiveness, and bitterness have no place in the lives of believers. If you want to experience revival, take responsibility for your heart.

Call to Action

Are you ready to experience revival? Are you willing to confront the bitterness, offense, and strife in your heart? The presence of God is too precious to let anything stand in the way.

Let’s pursue peace, choose holiness, and live as set-apart believers. Together, let’s open the door for God to pour His Spirit into our lives.

Closing Prayer

Holy Spirit, help us examine our hearts. Reveal any bitterness, offense, or strife we’ve allowed to take root. Empower us with Your grace to repent and remove these hindrances. We want to experience Your presence fully and walk in revival. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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