LISTEN NOW! Universal Basic Income: Money for Everyone in America, Is This a Reality and Who Will Pay for it? Many are talking about Universal Basic Income, UBI, some wanting …
LISTEN NOW! Loving Your Enemies in a Culture Saturated with Hate, Division and Polar Opposite Opinions We can look at Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and see a …
LISTEN or WATCH NOW! We discuss the truth about Hamas and show the perspective of those that are targeted and attacked by them. As we have shown you in previous …
LISTEN or WATCH NOW! Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came to America for AIPAC 2019, and he also spoke with President Donald Trump in the Oval Office. In this visit, President …
LISTEN or WATCH NOW! Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came to America for AIPAC 2019, and he also spoke with President Donald Trump concerning the Golan Heights and other matters. Unfortunately, …
LISTEN NOW! P.M. Netanyahu to AIPAC: The Jewish People do not bow down; We Stand up and Fight and We Win! Response to those who attack Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu …
LISTEN or WATCH NOW! Why are so many American millennials socialist when they live in a democracy and a republic? With America having all the freedoms and opportunities she has, …
LISTEN NOW! WHY SO MANY MILLENIALS ARE SOCIALIST? The Truth May Surprise You Why are so many American millennials socialist when they live in a Democratic Republic? With America …
LISTEN or WATCH NOW! A new movie, “Unplanned” has been released and despite all the controversy surrounding this movie it has been a box office hit bringing in over $6 …
LISTEN or WATCH NOW! In America, we have seen many changes to the funding of Planned Parenthood and abortion. President Donald Trump and his administration stopped the funding that was …
LISTEN NOW! Life is Winning in America: President Trump Stops Funding Planned Parenthood and Funds Pro-Life Clinics 1.7 Million In America, we have seen many changes to the funding of …
LISTEN or WATCH NOW! In America, we know that the relationship between Israel and America is crucial. In previous years and administrations, the relationship was not strong or anywhere near …