LISTEN NOW! There will be a rebuilding of the United States’ military. Religious freedom will be restored and the chaplains will once again be able to freely preach the gospel …
LISTEN NOW! The extreme political and social agenda behind the UN is going to become apparent to people of many nations. Righteous nations will stand up to their plans for …
LISTEN NOW! The extreme political and social agenda behind the UN is going to become apparent to people of many nations. Righteous nations will stand up to their plans for …
LISTEN NOW! Signs and wonders will break out in many places. Nazareth and Haifa will see the power of God in great demonstration. The Russian Jews are going to experience …
LISTEN NOW! More corruption will be exposed and the shake-up of the government will continue all the way from the national to the local levels. There will be new …
LISTEN NOW! There is a growing underground movement that is strong although not yet seen. There will be much trouble brewing from Iran in this season, however, God wants …
LISTEN NOW! Revival fires are burning! The move of God has started and will not be quenched. It is time for the prayers of the generations must beanswered. The …
LISTEN NOW! Vietnam is preparing to be the “Star of Asia” as far as the numbers of people being saved. This will even have a great impact on the Communist …
LISTEN NOW! There will be some continued shakings. However, look to Inner Mongolia for the greatest moves of God yet! zaccherin #VFNtv S1P2I3R4I5T6 PWDVOCT2016 PWDVUSOCT2016 PWDVELSEOCT2016
LISTEN NOW! Australia is a reformer nation and will produce great shifts, as well as some clashes on a governmental level. However, the Daniel’s and Joseph’s are arising in …