LISTEN NOW! There is a massive awakening coming to the Egypt as well as the whole Middle East. It is the time for Isaiah 19 to be fulfilled! Reformers …
Faith MountainHoly SpiritIsraelProphecyProphecy for AmericaProphecy for the WorldProphetic Words from Oct 2016 to TodayRadical IslamRadical Islam in the World
CapitalismCommunismFaith MountainGovernment MountainMarxismProphecyProphecy for AmericaProphecy for the WorldProphetic Words from Oct 2016 to TodayRadical IslamRadical Islam in the WorldSocialismThird Great AwakeningVFNtv ProgramsWATCH FULL PROGRAM
WATCH! Cuba, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Communism, and Revival
CrisisEducation MountainFaith MountainGovernment MountainOriginal Intent of AmericaOriginal Intent of the ChurchOriginal Intent of The U.S. ConstitutionProphecyProphecy for AmericaProphecy for the WorldProphetic Words from Oct 2016 to TodayVFNtv ProgramsWATCH FULL PROGRAM