WATCH OR LISTEN NOW! Dumitru Duduman, Rick Joyner, Hudson Taylor, Bob Jones, and more share Prophetic Words of War and THE BILLION SOUL HARVEST happening in Russia! Part …
CrisisProphecyProphecy for AmericaProphecy for the WorldProphetic Words from Oct 2016 to TodayVFNtv ProgramsWATCH FULL PROGRAM
ProphecyProphecy for AmericaProphecy for the WorldProphetic Words from Oct 2016 to TodayVFNtv ProgramsWATCH FULL PROGRAM
WATCH! Why is President Obama Turning Things over to the United Nations? Why is the President Opening Relations with Cuba? “Cuba and Russia attacking Miami; America?” “War on American Soil?” Looking Prophetically at America and Cuba Part 1
ProphecyProphecy for AmericaProphecy for the WorldProphetic Words from Oct 2016 to TodayVFNtv Programs
WATCH! Why is President Obama Turning Things over to the United Nations? Why is the President Opening Relations with Cuba? “Cuba and Russia attacking Miami; America?” “War on American Soil?” Looking Prophetically at America and Cuba Part 2
FaithFaith MountainGovernment MountainOriginal Intent of AmericaOriginal Intent of the ChurchOriginal Intent of The U.S. ConstitutionProphecyProphecy for AmericaProphetic Words from Oct 2016 and Older