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WATCH! Will the Next Presidential Election not come because of War? And the Coming Billion Soul Harvest!




Dumitru Duduman, Rick Joyner, Hudson Taylor, Bob Jones, and more share Prophetic Words of War and THE BILLION SOUL HARVEST happening in Russia! Part 2

[Part 1 of 3]  [Part 3 of 3] As we are seeing Russia positioning itself for a possible world-wide war, we are experiencing a homeland focus on the upcoming political elections. When Glenda Jackson spoke on Sid Roth’s ‘Its Supernatural’, she shared a surprising message to the Church and the nation of America. “If Christians don’t start praying more than they ever have, even the Churches become the House of Prayer, this next (Presidential) election, is not going to take place. It’s going to be suspended because evil is going to arise, and some disasters are going to happen…the President is not going to be removed, he’s going to stay in.” This provides tremendous insight to some of the events that we have witnessed within our nation’s leadership over the last few years.

Remember when President Obama intently sat across from an engaged Dmitry Medvedev as they exchanged these words, “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility”. Medvedev responded by saying, “I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.” It appears as though the nations of the world are positioning themselves for war and America’s leadership appears to be following suit.
As previously shared, God has spoken to many revealing intricate details of the days that we are facing. Dumitru Duduman was one of these men, but not the only one. As a missionary to China, Hudson Taylor also received revelatory words from the Lord about the world. More than 30 years before World War I occurred, he was shown its events, along with World War II, other wars, and wars specifically involving Russia. “I have seen a vision. I saw in this vision a great war that will encompass the whole world. I saw this war recess and then start again, actually being two wars. After this, I saw much unrest and revolts that will affect many nations. I saw in some places spiritual awakenings.” He continued to share, “In Russia, I saw there will come a general all-encompassing, national SPIRITUAL AWAKENING so great that there could never be another like it. From Russia, I saw the awakening spread to many European countries. Then I saw an all-out wakening, followed by the Coming of Christ” This word came more than 100 years ago.
Another man known for his many accurate prophetic words from the Lord, Bob Jones, also received revelatory visitations from the Lord regarding Russia. When an angel from the Lord asked Jones if he wanted to join the Russian Army of God, he said no. In fact, Jones was told, “some of the greatest evangelists in the world would come out of Russia”. In fact, Jones thought the door to Russia was going to close. But he was quickly informed that he was wrong. It was in fact the door to America that would close. When he asked for confirmation of this word, the angel told him, “We will begin to send you literature right away”. It was the very next day that he received the prophetic word from Hudson Taylor.
In another encounter with the Lord, Jones was standing in line about to see the Lord. The line he was in was made up of 2% of humanity. The other line was made up of the other 98%. Those standing before the Lord were only asked one question, “Did you learn to love?” It matters how we treat people. Regardless of what the news’ perception is of Russia, God loves every Russian and has mighty plans for the nation of Russia.
Rick Joyner has also been given continual insight from the Lord about the matters that have happened throughout the world, and also what is yet to take place. On October 21, 2002, Joyner released this prophetic word regarding Russia.
Russia will be the host of the greatest revival that the world has yet seen. Because of it, the soul of the nation will be transcendent, overcoming many of the great problems of the times and helping many other nations to do the same.
Preceding this, Russia has a very difficult road ahead, with some tragic events looming. Eventually the road will become smoother. God’s grace is extended toward Russia, and He is the One who put in Putin. She has at times tottered on the brink of anarchy, but she will grow in stability and wisdom and be a great leader of nations until the end. The Lord has prepared great leaders for Russia in government, business, and the church. These will all be statesmen in their fields, developing a sound and wise interchange with counterparts in other nations to their mutual benefit. Such interchange is essential for the prosperity of Russia, and she must learn to resist the forces of isolation and shortsightedness. Germany, Poland, and Russia will grow in friendship to their mutual benefit and strengthening.
It is the destiny of Russia to precede the world in dealing with some of the problems that the whole world will face. Pray for wisdom from above to show them the way to build upon a foundation that can stand against the pressures to come. When Russia is standing on solid ground, the world will be safer, and she will be able to help pull many other nations out of the quicksand. The potential of the Russian soul is a great treasure. The greatest threat to Russia is not the resurrection of Communism, but the emergence of Fascism.
The most important thing we can do in this life is love. Love can be many different things in the eyes of the world, but Jesus is very clear in what that means; to simply lay down our life for one another. God is in fact going to deal with America, but He will take care of His people. The secular media doesn’t even know the realities of what is taking place around the world, but God does. The greatest spiritual awakening is about to take place, and we have been given the opportunity to take part in what God is doing. Hear the full discussion of the full details of each of these prophetic words, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Cuba, Germany, Mexico, Fascism, Patriotism, Mike Bickle, visions, US Army Chief of Staff Mark Milley, humility, and repentance. Greg and Steve shared in this segment. 

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