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Home » The History of Revival and the Coming Move of God


LISTEN NOW! When oppressive times are at hand, we can often become consumed at what is happening all around us and forget that God is still in control. This couldn’t be more true than what was taking place within Israel during the time of Gideon. What Gideon didn’t know was that he was about to be chosen to lead Israel out of the oppression that the whole nation was experiencing. Regardless of what we see, or what we don’t see, now is the time to look up towards the heavens because these are the moments when God does His best work.

When we look back over the history of the Church over the past few hundred years and the waves of revivals that swept across the Globe, we must remember that each of them took place during very trying times. Because of the faithfulness of those who heard from God, and their unwavering stand for God amidst continual opposition and pressure, countless scores of souls were able to be introduced to the power of God.

The Book of 1 Kings focuses on one such man, Elijah. Evil government was in place, King Ahab and Queen Jezebel, and Elijah was the prophet that God revealed His voice to in that particular hour. Through Elijah’s obedience to the voice of the Lord, he proclaims loudly that it is not going to rain in the land in 1 Kings 17:1. “…As the Lord, the God of Israel, lives, whom I serve, there will be neither dew nor rain in the next few years except at my word.” Turns out, not a single drop fell again for another three years.

While the drought had fully settled in and the effects of the drought had been experienced throughout all of the land, Elijah once again heard from the Lord and remained faithful to declare what God had spoken to him. Think about the importance of Elijah’s faithfulness to what God had spoken to him about. Even amidst the season of not hearing a new word from the Lord, Elijah remained faithful.

When we are moving in obedience to what the Lord reveals to us, this is exactly what we are going to experience. There may be a drought of His voice all around us, but will we remain faithful to the last word the Lord said to us? Elijah did. Then, in the midst of the parched and dry drought, Elijah once again proclaims a word to the government in
1 Kings 18:41, “…Go, eat and drink, for there is the sound of a heavy rain.” It was about to rain. Remember, Elijah boldly said this without seeing any present rain. After Elijah’s servant tells him, “A cloud as small as a man’s hand is rising from the sea.”, Elijah then commands his servant “Go and tell Ahab, ‘Hitch up your chariot and go down before the rain stops you.” We must cooperate in accordance with God’s word and respond in agreement to it.

God has been continually speaking of such a large harvest that is about to sweep across the nations of the world. God is preparing us for a harvest of 1,000 people coming to Christ, every single week. This is what was revealed to Rick Joyner at Morningstar Ministries. Can you imagine 1,000 people, every week. This is too big to be sustained in any one building. The Church is the people, not the building.

William Seymour was the very man that God chose to be the catalyst of what would be known as the Azusa Street Revival. What broke out in Los Angeles, California in 1906, remained until 1915, eventually reached the world and can still be affected today. What is even more striking about this move of God was Seymour’s prophetic word that God would do an even greater move about 100 years later. We are in those very moments right now. When Lou Engle led the gathering of “Azusa Now” at the Los Angeles Coliseum, it was a prophetic gathering and an act of faith believing God to move again powerfully like He did in 1906.

Allow your faith to be radically lifted and stirred as you are encouraged to remain steadfast to what the Lord said to you during these difficult seasons and to hold on to the encouragement of what the Lord desires to do. See the full program to see the entire discussion, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: oppressive government, President John F. Kennedy, The Jesus Movement, obedience, faithfulness, Emmaus Road Discipleship, Kim Jung-Un, Pharaoh, and rain. Greg and Steve shared in this segment. 
Courtesy of Willyam Bradberry /shutterstock.com


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