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Duck Dynasty the Story behind the Story


LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss a recent interview CBN conducted with Phil Robertson and Ms. Kay from the hit reality TV show Duck Dynasty where they share the story behind the story.  They continue to discuss that before they were rich and had a number one reality TV show, Phil was not a Christian.  The Robertson’s who are now approaching 50 years of marriage say that life was not always easy and in fact they were really bad.  Phil was not a Christian and had a sex, drugs, and rock n roll lifestyle.  At one point he was so lost he kicked his whole family out of the house children and all because they were too goody goody.  Well God prevailed and Phil gave his life to the Lord and things started to look up.  They continued to share how Phil was skeptical at first about doing the reality show and thought it would never work.  He did say that if God was in it; the sky is the limit.  Phil even talks about how the producers try to edit Jesus’ name out of his prayer as he closes out every show with praying for the family meal.  He shared a unique way how he was able to convince them not to edit it.  The Robertson’s are just an authentic family who love Jesus and like ducks.


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 screen capture from youtube.com/CBN.com

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