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Home » Wife of Imprisoned Pastor Abedini appeals to the Human Rights Council

Wife of Imprisoned Pastor Abedini appeals to the Human Rights Council


LISTEN NOW! John, Pat, and Steve discuss how pastor Abedini’s wife appeals to the Human Rights Council on behalf of her imprisoned husband.  Pastor Abedini is being held in Evin Prison in Iran for his Christian faith.  He is being tortured, beaten and has suffered from internal bleeding.  According to CBN Iran’s failure to apply the strict test of necessity and proportionality when reviewing whether to impose a restriction on an assembly, has resulted in a “severe violation of his (Saeed’s) basic right to peaceful assembly and religious freedom,” Sekulow said. “This violation must be addressed in order that the intersection between rights of religious expression and peaceful assembly may be reinforced as a cornerstone upon which peace may be established.”  They continue to speak about the many Christians that are being persecuted all over the world.  They encourage us to pray for the persecuted church all over the world.

screen capture from CBN.com


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