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Home » VFNRadio First Hour September 16,2013


    Where can you share something about God and keep it a secret?
Greg, John, and Pat discuss where you share something about God and keep it a secret.  Where can you go and share something about the Lord and only have about a 5 percent chance that it will get out?  The answer is to share it inside a church building or behind a pulpit.  According to George Barna 95 percent of Christians will never lead someone to the Lord in their lifetime.  If you share it you may have a 5 percent chance that they will tell someone that God loves them and has a plan for their life.  Jesus said “If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his Father’s glory with the holy angels.” Don’t keep Jesus a secret.  Share him with the world.
    You Would Be Surprised at Who is Defending Christians!
Greg, John, and Pat discuss how many Christians are being persecuted especially at the hands of Muslims even though Islam is proclaimed as a peaceful religion.  All the while our President won’t stand up for persecuted Christians.  Meanwhile, there is someone who is speaking up for Christians.  Tim Tebow is a young man who has taken the national stage from the time he played college football for the Florida Gators.  His bold stand for Jesus has been widely displayed for all to see.  Tim wore scriptures on his face and has been known for kneeling on one knee as he prays giving glory to God after a good play on the football field.  His exceptional plays gave him the opportunity to play professional in the National Football League as a player for the Denver Broncos.  He was glorifying God from the Mile High stadium and helped the Broncos make the playoffs.  Tim continued to play for two other teams before he was cut but it was like as soon as he was doing well he was being shoved off.  Darkness came in to try to snuff out the testimony of Tebow.  Well guess who is standing for Christians and defending Tim Tebow, Gene Simmons lead singer for the rock group KISS.  Gene Simmons tells Radio.com “He’s got a religious passion, as well he should, we’re in America,” the KISS front man told Radio.com earlier this week. ”He’s proud to be a Christian, what’s wrong with that? And yet, with sports media and pop culture media, they make fun of his religion. Really? In America? If he was wearing a burqa, they wouldn’t dare say anything [editor’s note: only Muslim women wear burqas]. But if you’re a Christian, you get to be picked on? What the hell? The guy’s got family values. I never saw the media picking on Michael Vick for torturing dogs. Or this other football player, who’s alleged to have killed, committed murder.  That’s ‘cool.’ But a guy who’s religious and has got family values isn’t ‘cool?’ He’s cool to me.”  If that wasn’t enough End Time Blog reports that Russian President “Vladimir Putin has urged the world’s political leaders to stop the violent persecutions against Christians that have erupted in the Middle Eastern countries.  This is a huge sign to the church. 
    BREAKING NEWS: Shooting at DC Navy Yard AT Least 12 People Injured, Multiple Fatalities
John, Greg, and Pat share “LIVE” Breaking News regarding the shooting that took place in Washington, D.C. at the Navy Yard.  They continue to discuss how at least 12 people are reported to be injured as well as multiple fatalities according to FOX News and NBC.    Shots were fired at the Naval Seas Systems Command headquarters in Washington, D.C.  They continued to share John Paul Jackson’s prophetic word regarding the Navy.  They continued to pray for the safety of American citizens and as well as the end to the violence and quick captures of the perpetrators of this attack. 
    Prophetic Insight Regarding The State of the Church and the Coming Judgment to America
As Greg interviews Michael Boldea, grandson of Dumitru Duduman, and he shares prophetic insight regarding the Church and the coming judgment to America.  Michael Boldea Chairman of Hand of Help Ministries shares how what we are seeing today played out involving the Middle East, United States and Russia are things that he and his late grandfather has prophesied about some years ago.  Michael shares that rough times are headed to the earth all the while the Church has lost her authority.  God in his love has chosen to use us however; he will deal with the church.  The rebuke of a loving God is a good thing but if the church does not repent he will according to Proverbs 1 laugh at our calamity.  Michael continues to share that many Christians in the church today see the word of God in a subjective way.  Trying to conform God to the world as opposed to them conforming themselves to God’s Word.  They think that God will just settle for them since in their mind many are not following him and thus He will overlook their sin.  We need to hear what the Spirit of God is saying to the nations.  2 Timothy states 3:12 states “In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted…” Michael states that Russian President Vladimir Putin is playing chess while we are playing checkers.  Many thought that Russia died when U.S.S.R. went down but the bear has awakened.  God is warning us.  Just because people think that they can play games with God this is not reciprocal.  God does not play games.  It is only when the storm comes will you know what you are made of.  If the Church in the United States repents it will affect the world.  Greg asks Michael what is coming to America.  Judgment.  When men glory in their sin God will judge them accordingly.  China and Russia will be used by God to judge America.  They continue to discuss the prophetic dream his grandfather Dumitru Duduman shared at Brownsville Assembly of God on April 22, 1996 regarding Russia, China and America.  We are beginning to see the fulfillment of this right before our eyes.  Greg shares how God showed him America will be enslaved with a collar around her neck.  The church is about to be blamed for the sins of the world. It is time for men everywhere to repent and to turn to God.  It is time for preachers declare the cross, repentance and the true gospel and it’s time to be watchmen on the wall and pray that God can redeem America.   



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