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Home » May We Never Forget Those Who are Being Persecuted for Christ in Egypt and around the World

May We Never Forget Those Who are Being Persecuted for Christ in Egypt and around the World


LISTEN NOW! John and Pat discuss CBN’s report of how Egyptian Christians are being beat and dragged through the streets.  They continue to share how the Muslim Brotherhood dug up a corpse of a man and dragged it through the street to terrorize local Christians.  They continue to discuss the persecuted church around the world, such as Pastor Saeed in prison in Iran.  They shared how Christians have a long history of being persecuted and how we must not fail to pray for those who have suffered much for the Lord even the sacrificing their own lives.  The same way Jews were persecuted and six million of them died in the holocaust is how Satan would desire to do the same to Christians as well.  They share accounts regarding those who suffered persecution for Jesus, like early Christians, the Apostle Paul, Pastor Saeed, and some of the Moravians.  Satan hates every person because they are made in the image and likeness of God.


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