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Home » ORGANIZER OF THE DAY vs. ORGANIZERS OF THE NIGHT: Are They Using Tips from lucifer to Organize America and the World

In this 28 part series, Greg, John, and Pat lift the veil and peer underneath the constant changing headlines in America. Could what is happening in the media be as simple as following a few tactics straight from a book written 50 years ago? How can we have peace amidst the consistent confusion of what seems to be irresponsible decisions in government? Get an understanding of what is truly happening, how to respond with a light perspective, and so much more. Look for more detailed descriptions in each part of the series. Also shared in this series: President Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton, Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and media.


*We suggest listening to each of these segments in the order they were broadcasted for complete context


(2 of 28) Are They Using Tips from Lucifer on how to Organize America and the world; really?
(3 of 28)Global Warming! Are They Using Tips from Lucifer for Organizing America and the World?
(4 of 28)Deception! Are They Using Tips from Lucifer for organizing America and the World?
(5 of 28)Open Society! Are They Using Tips from Lucifer for organizing America and the World?
(6 of 28)Communism’s Political Paradise – Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the world?
(7 of 28)Polarization! – Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the world?
(8 of 28)Alinsky’s Followers: Hillary, Obama and _____? Are They Using Tips from Lucifer on how to organize America and the World?
(9 of 28) PRIDE! Are They Using Tips from Lucifer for Organizing America and the World?
(10 of 28)THE LAW! Are They Using Tips from Lucifer on how to organize America and the world?
(11 of 28)WWJD or WWJO- Who Would Jesus Organize?
(12 of 28) Making You Happy to Get Their Way! Are they Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the world?
(13 of 28) RIDICULE! Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the world?

(14 of 28) Sustain Militant Interest! Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the World?
(15 of 28) PRESSURE! Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the World?
(16 of 28) ORGANIZE UNCEASING PRESSURE! Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the World?
(17 of 28)TERRORIZING THREATS! Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the World?
(18 of 28) Was Our President Selected Before He was Elected? Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the World?
(19 of 28) Saul Saul Why are you “Organizing” Persecuting Me?
(20 of 28)Color Blindness; Seeking Justice for Roy Middleton
(21 of 28)Jesus the SUPREME Organizer
(22 of 28) Pushing Bipolar Narratives: Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the world?
(23 of 28) CLEAR ALTERNATIVE: Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the world?
(24 of 28) Pick It, Target it, Freeze it, Personalize it and Polarize it: Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the world?
(25 of 28)“I am just holding you to what’s on the paper.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
(26 of 28) Dr. King Personified the Gospel; Hear His Sister-in-Law Explain
(27 of 28)Perspective Matters
(28 of 28) I want to lead the world…, President Bill Clinton

Courtesy of M. Pellinni/Shutterstock.com
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