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Stunning Interview with Dr. King the Day President John Kennedy was Assassinated



LISTEN NOW! Greg and Pat discuss the stunning interview with Dr. King the day President John Kennedy was assassinated. They discuss the sobering interview in which Dr. King is being interviewed by a CBS reporter November 22, 1963 outside of his home on hearing the president was assassinated.  He gave the president credit for whatever he had done in advancing civil rights for blacks.  He considered him a friend of the cause.  You have had attempts made on your life and have been threatened, perhaps even tonight.  What is it like to walk under this constant threat? 


“It’s often difficult, but when you live with it so long, you almost become immune to being afraid as a result to these threats.  You’ve got to come to the point of looking at these things philosophically and this is why I decided to stand.  I believe firmly this cause it right and that someone must have the courage and the fortitude to stand up for it; even if it means suffering or death. I’ve always thought that unmerited suffering is redemptive and even if I have to die for this cause physical death is what others will have to pay…it is a price that is paid to free the soul of our nation and to free our children from a permanent spiritual death.  In this sense I do believe it is very redemptive or can be even if it occurs.”
 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
CBS News, November 22, 1963


They continued to discuss Dr. King’s sobering words not knowing that just five years later his life would be taken. 
Image courtesy of Olga Popova/shutterstock.com



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