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Home » Amazing Testimony of what God can do with an Abandoned Baby Born Blind

Amazing Testimony of what God can do with an Abandoned Baby Born Blind


LISTEN NOW! John, Greg, and Pat discuss the amazing testimony of what God can do with an abandoned baby who was born blind.  They remind us the importance and tremendous value of human life and how Jesus died for everyone.  According to the “Blaze”, “Christopher Duffley hasn’t had the easiest life. The 12-year-old boy, who is autistic and was born blind, was placed in foster care when he was just a baby. But despite these challenges he has a gift his family believes comes straight from God.”  Sad to say people judge others and speak harshly of others and they do not realize they are insulting the image of God since we are created in His image.  Christopher’s story is amazing and it reminds us that no matter what others may have done to us or how bad our situation is God has His eyes on us and He will make a way for us where there is seemingly no way.  That’s what He did for Christopher when He laid Christopher on his aunt’s heart and when she made the first call she located him in foster care.  They brought him home, loved on him, and trusted God with His life only to find out God gave him an amazing gift.   Watch the video below to see Christopher in action.



Tags: restoration, prayer, redemption, faith


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