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Home » VFNRadio First Hour April 7, 2014

VFNRadio First Hour April 7, 2014


Chick- Fil – A Topples KFC as Top Chicken  Choice in the Nation

LISTEN NOW! John, Greg, and Pat discuss how Chick- Fil-A has now recently toppled KFC as top choice for Chicken in the nation.  “Christian Post” reports that “From a financial perspective, Chick-Fil-A registered sales of over $5 billion, compared to KFC’s $4.2 billion. But the question remains, how can a privately held chain whose advertising budget is much smaller out perform a sixty-something year-old chain owned by a food conglomerate?”  They continue to discuss that Chick- Fil-A as a company has closed their doors on Sunday giving their employees opportunity to worship God on Sundays.  They further discuss how God will bless you when you honor Him and put Him first. 
         Azusa Street Revival 2.0; Is it About to Happen Again?
 Steve, Barbara, and Pat share an exciting conversation as they declare the wonders of the Lord when God poured out His Spirit in 1906 in what is known as the Azusa Street Revival. God chose a humble one-eyed African American man named William J. Seymour who was simply hungry for more of God in his life. When he received Jesus Christ into his life, segregation was prominent in America. Because of the segregation, William was forced to sit outside of a congregation on the steps and listen to the services through the windows. Since he was African American, he was not allowed in. His hunger and desire to know more of God caused him to push through this. It simply didn’t affect him.  William would spend hours seeking the Lord and reading his Bible. He preached about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and prayed earnestly for a move of God in his life. As others heard of his hunger, William was invited to Los Angeles to preach. After only a week, he was kicked out and told that he was not welcome. With no money and no place to go, William was invited into another home where he and one other man would pray, sometimes up to 7 hours a day seeking God. God spoke to him to travel to an apartment to share what the Lord had been speaking to him. Much to his surprise, he was greeted by 3 women who had been praying as well believing the Lord for revival. This prayer meeting moved to a small home where others were drawn to their hunger for a mighty move of the Lord. Crowds began massing around this house as they came together. Police brought this to an end because of the crowds. With this door closing, another opened as the Lord guided William and those alongside him to the humble beginnings of a building that was located on Azusa Street in Los Angeles, CA.
William was a man of humility as he would begin his services with a box on his head seeking the Lord. It wasn’t until he received his guidance from the Lord that he took the box off of his head, and would begin ministering. Sometimes, it was hours, that he remained under the box. It was here that the miracles and mighty testimonies of the Azusa Street Revival began to be shared. He was a bold man of faith, as were the young teenagers that prayed alongside him for those that needed prayer; People with missing limbs, from the shoulder down, re-generated complete whole limbs after they were prayed for; People with missing fingers grew back complete new fingers. There was a woman that was known for putting her finger in people’s mouths who had no teeth, and brand new teeth would grow back where she would touch their gums. The upper room of the building was full of crutches and wheelchairs, left there by those who had been healed by God. As an act of faith, those who prayed would pull back the foot holds of the wheel chairs believing that people would be completely healed and walk and they did.
The presence of the Holy Spirit was so strong in these gatherings that complete strangers who had no awareness of the meetings would come under conviction of their personal sin as they walked by and would give their lives to Jesus. On more than one occasion, the fire department was called because of the reports of flames shooting up and down above the building. The building wasn’t on fire, it was God!
Barbara shares about the story of the author Tommy Welchel, and his journey of writing the book, True Stories of the Miracles of the Azusa Street Revival and Beyond. Those who had ministered alongside William were teenagers at the time. By the late 1950’s and 60’s, they were in their 70’s and 80’s. When they saw Tommy, he was repeatedly told, “You’re the one that is supposed to write down all of our stories”.  Barbara and Steve continue to share how Tommy’s faith was lifted and stirred as Tommy listened to their stories. Not only were they used mightily by the Lord, but they also share that William Seymour had prophesied that the Lord would pour out His Spirit in an even greater way, that it would not only touch pastors, it would not only break out in one area, but it would affect the whole world. Those that were sharing their stories with Tommy yearned and longed to be part of the coming move of God’s spirit. Amidst all the testimonies and miracles of what they personally witnessed, they wanted to be a part of this generation.  Along with William, Charles Parham, who also mentored William in the early beginnings, gave a similar prophesy that the Lord would pour out His Spirit in a greater and mightier way in about 100 years.
Steve and Barbara remind us that William Seymour did not simply arrive. He had his own journeys. Amidst segregation and rejection, he did not waiver; as his desperate hunger for a move of God in his life kept him pushing forward. After much prayer and simply responding and obeying to the voice of the Lord, God guided him, even when William had no idea how things would unfold. He simply trusted God.
You are where you are in your life because God has brought you here. Amidst all the generations that have come and gone in all of creation, God has chosen you to be a part of this generation that is about to see the greatest move of God upon the face of the Earth. These truly are exciting days. Say yes to Jesus Christ in your life and get ready for what God is about to do.
        7 months to Bury the Bodies, 7 years to Burn the Weapons; Is it soon to Come?
 Then they will know I am the Lord; Greg, John, and Pat discuss how prophetic happenings have been unfolding within the Middle East and the role Russia is playing in view of Ezekiel 38 &39.  They discuss with so much happening in the Middle East if you are not hearing from God it seems so chaotic.  We need to hear from the Lord.  They discuss how for some time Syria had been doing what they have been doing which is essentially be in civil war with thousands of civilians killed in the crossfire.  Suddenly the Obama administration started targeting Syria and as a result the news is broadcasting Syria, Syria, Syria. They simply took a tactic out of Saul Alinksy’s proverbial “play book” although they are far from playing, Rules for Radicals and began the polarization of Syria.  This is what they are doing.  This tactic and others have been shared on VFNtv and the Daily VFNRadio program before in a series entitled “Organizer of the Day verse Organizers of the Night”.  They discuss how organizer Marshall Ganz allegedly shared you have to pick a target, polarize it and the world will be divided over it.  At the same time they discuss the role the United States Secretary John Kerry has played and continues to play.  They further discuss how the Secretary was selected as front man and how God specifically showed Greg how he was going to be used to bring Christians and Jews great harm.   Secretary Kerry has even threatened Israel with another intifada. In order to understand these tactics it is important to know that there is not rhyme or reason Alinsky tactics are bi- polar.  We saw the Russian Navy fleet displayed behind some of the national leaders seeking Presidential elections.  This is one of the many things that one can look back and see an unfolding of what has been happening as we evaluate where we are today.    President Obama at the G20 was last in the procession of leaders and was about 30 minutes late.  Then at the height of the polarization that resulted in the Arab league wanting to join the United States in dealing with Syria with desires to do good for those helpless victims President Obama handed the Arab League over to Russia.  They further discuss how the enemies of Israel were turned over to Russia and now Israel is potentially being set up. 
          You can see this is taken right off the page s of Rules for Radicals; polarize to organize then settle.   You need to look out and watch you have 500 million Arabs that want to push Israel into the sea.   God is going to win; Israel’s eyes will be open.  The reason we have not been destroyed is because God is real; He exists.   They further discuss John Paul Jackson’s prophetic word first delivered in 2008 and some of the things that have come to pass as well as what are to come.   It’s happening all around us; we are in a desperate need of a move of God.   We must not forget that satan is trying to push people into polar narratives.  The whole world is being organized.  They also discuss Russia’s president Vladamir Putin’s take over of Crimea.  All of this is happening as we are merely days from the beginning of the four blood moons which always begin with destruction and end in deliverance.  They continue to discuss Ezekiel 38 and 39 and how we are seeing Russia is going to be used in coming against Israel.   Jesus said even the farmers know the seasons and times.  We must possess eyes to see and ears to hear to discern the times we are living in and to know what God is doing in our day.  They continue to encourage us to pray for Israel and the salvation of the Jews.


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