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Home » Egyptian Christians Are Being Murdered by Radical Muslims

Egyptian Christians Are Being Murdered by Radical Muslims

Courtesy of arindambanerjee /Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss how Egyptian Christians are being murdered by radical Muslims according to reports by CBN.    They discuss how it has been said that Islam is a peaceful religion when in fact many Muslim acts of terror prove otherwise.  Islamist terrorist Boko Haram is a good example as he credits Allah for the kidnapping of over 200 Christian Nigerian school girls.  They discuss how we see many celebrities and people of influence campaigning to save the girls but there has been no visible condemnation noticed by them by other Muslims because Boko Haram is doing what the Koran teaches.  It’s a very repressive religion.  If you can’t convert them smite them.  Islam has done a good job integrating Islam into the people that they feel like they are talking about them and not Islam.  When you promote Islam you are doing the very thing that promotes repressing Muslims.  This is exactly what our president did when you he spoke in Cairo Egypt empowering the Muslim Brotherhood, a group of Muslims that were not even accepted by Egypt’s president at the time.  The question still remains; “Is America under judgment?”  We need to stand with everyone that is persecuted especially the Jews and the Christians. 



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   Tags: persecution, Islam, Muslim Brotherhood, government, martyrdom 
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