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Home » U.S. Changes Mindset on Egypt, but Not on Muslim Brotherhood

U.S. Changes Mindset on Egypt, but Not on Muslim Brotherhood


LISTEN NOW! or WATCH FULL PROGRAM! Greg, Pat, and John talk about the recent headlines of the United States presence to begin communications with Egypt. The history with Egypt and the Obama Administration runs deep, all the way to his first speech at Cairo University.   Amidst these communications, the U.S. is pushing for Egypt to work with the Muslim Brotherhood. It is this organization that caused much of the Egyptian people to stand up against the leadership that had been placed upon them. Wherever the Muslim Brotherhood is, it is not good for the Jews or the Christians. Find out the details of what is happening and so much more. Also shared in this segment: President El Sisi, Mohamed Morsi,  Muslim Brotherhood, Michele Bachmann, and persecution.
Courtesy of s_bukley/Shutterstock.com 




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