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Home » Persecuted: THE MOVIE: Out Today July 18, 2014

Persecuted: THE MOVIE: Out Today July 18, 2014

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Movieclips Film Festivals & Indie Films

LISTEN NOW!  John, Pat, and Steve share about the current release of the new movie: “Persecuted.” In a CBN interview, writer and producer of the film, Daniel Lusko shares how it was the Holy Spirit that inspired him to write the film. This movie is not simply a story of fantasy but actually a story that could happen in America. Lusko shares his encounter with someone in government and their response to the script:

“This scenario of religious reform is happening at the United Nations. There is a bill that is exactly what you’re talking about.”
When movies such as this, are released that express such a bold message for Christ, as the Church, it is important for us to stand with them, support their efforts and go to view it while it is still in the theatres. Be encouraged and lifted up as you hear about what God is doing within Hollywood, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Holy Spirit, CBN, Persecuted the Movie, evangelism, and boldness.


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