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Home » ISIS Now in America?
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LISTEN NOW! John, Pat and Steve continue to share about the recent events regarding the Islamic State known as ISIS. Right now, ISIS is primarily being reported as being located in the Middle East. Governor Rick Perry comments that it is a “very real possibility” that ISIS can be within the borders of America. Considering the current reality of what is taking place on America’s Southern border of Texas and Mexico, this is certainly true. After photos of ISIS flags have surfaced in front of the White House it has brought a valid concern. Now is the time that America plays her role and responds to such evil. People respond to leadership. As the church, we must remember to pray for the leadership of the nation. Find out the details of what else is taking place within ISIS, within America, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: PM Benjamin Netanyahu, Sinjar Mountains, Texas Governor Rick Perry, CBN, ISIS, ISIL, Black Market, and repentance.



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