LISTEN NOW!John, Pat, and Steve continue to discuss the persecution that Iraqi Christians are undergoing in the Northern region of Iraq. After fleeing the terrorist acts of ISIS, thousands are fleeing and finding safety in the Sinjar Mountains, amidst the Iraqi August sun. People are dying simply of dehydration with no ability to leave the mountainside for fear of the ISIS presence below. Amidst these tragedies, ISIS celebrates their takeover of a nearby dam that controls water sources that stretch all the way to Mosul. How did we arrive at such tragedies? We didn’t just get here. The church must not remain silent. It is these critical hours that we must remain vigilant and be global Christians crying out against tragedies like this that are happening against the body of Christ. Find more of the events in the Middle East, how to respond, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: ISIS, persecution, humanitarian aid, and prayer.
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