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Home » 2nd American Journalist , Steven Scotloff Beheaded by ISIS

2nd American Journalist , Steven Scotloff Beheaded by ISIS

Courtesy of alexskopje/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! Greg, Pat and John share about the horrific news of the 2nd American journalist beheaded by ISIS, Steven Scotloff. If anyone has any question what evil looks like, this is it. This is a clear demonstration of how evil the devil is. Amidst the devastating realities that are happening, the current leadership of America is reacting in such a way that causes one to wonder. What is happening? What is going on? We were concerned as well. We sought God about it and He revealed the simplicity of what is happening. What is being seen on media across the world is the execution of a few tactics put together in one book, Saul Alinsky’s, Rules for Radicals. There is a lot of confusion going on, but Jesus cleared all that up when He came to the Earth. He made known what is right and what is not.

As persecution against the body of Christ across the world is rising, it is now being seen in America. Recently three Indiana churches were spray painted with Quran scriptures. What wasn’t shared previously was there was a separation of what they believe or who is for what. Anyone who lifted up the name of Jesus was targeted. If someone is living contrary to the ways of Jesus while proclaiming they are Jesus with their words, the devil is still going to see them as a “Nazarene”. It is critical for each of us to know the voice of the Lord and to respond accordingly to what He is saying to each of us. The greatest way to prepare for what we are seeing in the world is to have a personal abiding relationship with Jesus Christ. Find out how this matters, what the differences are, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Radical Islam, 4 Blood Moons, 9/11, Prudent Preparation, Alinsky Tactics, and persecution.         WATCH FULL PROGRAM!

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