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Is our Government agreeing with the vision of ISIS to ISIL?

Courtesy of Jakkrit Orrasri/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! Greg, Pat and John discuss the continual happenings of ISIS and now the new name of ISIL. Originally, ISIS stood for, “Islamic State of Iraq and Syria”. Now their name is “ISIL”. Why the name change? Even more importantly, why is the leadership of America referring to them as ISIL and not simply Radical Islam? It is easy to see and understand. There is an underlying narrative within all of this. There was Radical Islam, then al-Qaeda, bombing Damascus, the rising of ISIS in Syria, and now ISIL. The “Levant” is the East Mediterranean region and all the countries that border the Eastern Mediterranean. The name “ISIL” is “ISIS” proclaiming their intention to take control of all the countries in this region, including Israel. This reality highlights the elevated question: why is the leadership of America addressing them as “ISIL”? To do so, is to be in agreement with their intentions. You cannot organize against Israel. God is going to defend Israel. The question is will we stand boldly for Jesus Christ? Find out how the forefathers of America stood up for God when there was persecution against those who stood for Jesus and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Saul Alinksy, the Blaze, narratives, ISIL, Winston Churchill, Caliphate, DNC, and Hegemony. WATCH FULL PROGRAM!



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