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Home » The Religious Spirit; Exposing, Uncovering and Overcoming this deceptive spirit Part 3

The Religious Spirit; Exposing, Uncovering and Overcoming this deceptive spirit Part 3

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LISTEN NOW!  John, Pat, and Steve continue the conversation about the significance of a religious spirit. When looking at the book of Matthew in the Bible, over a third of the chapters highlight Jesus and His encounters with the religious leaders of the day, the Pharisees. Often times, we can look at these encounters and forget the reality that it can happen in our lives: whether encountering a religious spirit, being attacked by a religious spirit, or taking on a religious spirit ourselves.

The religious leaders that looked at Jesus’ life were more focused on the eyes of men than they were their own lives and their own hearts. Religion is a man-made attempt to do certain things to attain God’s acceptance. A religious spirit is a demonic spirit that seeks to substitute religious activity for the power of the Holy Spirit in your life. When we take our eyes off of the finished work of the Cross of Christ and onto ourselves, we have stopped moving in humility and began to move in a religious spirit.

When looking at how a religious spirit operates, it can be compared to an octopus.  The octopus can conceal itself, camouflage itself and blend into its surroundings. At the same time, it has different tentacles that can reach out. These tentacles of religion are just some of the different manifestations of how a religious spirit operates:








Jesus came to set us free and for us to be free. Find the many ways a religious spirit operates, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: tax collectors, sinners, disciples, Rick Joyner, Holy Spirit, and love.


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