LISTEN NOW! The evil in the world is being cranked up as beheadings continue. Sheer moments ago, 21 Christians were beheaded. When we look at the acts of terrorism, we are seeing words being changed in regards to these events. When Radical Islam filled the streets of France with gunfire that began directed towards journalists and resulted in a Kosher grocery store; the Jews. One would gather these acts to be described as terrorism, or Radical Islam. According to President Obama, it was random violence. According to the BBC, Egypt has responded to ISIS with strong military actions by bombing Islamic State targets in Libya.
At a recent National Prayer Breakfast in Washington D.C., President Obama commented about the Crusades and what was done in the name of Jesus Christ during past history. Twenty-one Christians just lost their heads, who potentially were the result of words that were used from a prayer breakfast. It is important for us to realize that the history of America is being used against America. People have done evil things for years in the name of Jesus Christ. It wasn’t right then, it is not right now.
As the church, it is vital for us to not become consumed by the evil that is increasing in the world, but to be consumed by the Cross of Christ. Jesus came as the New Covenant. He is the fulfillment of the entire Old Covenant. Our only hope is in Jesus Christ and the blood of Christ. Allow your faith to be increased as you’re the Biblical perspective behind such evil travesties taking place across the world, how each of these events connect, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: ISIS, Libya, Jordan, 21 Christians, Benghazi, Hillary Clinton, Prayer Breakfast, Crusades, CBN, weapons, Marshall Ganz, Saul Alinksy, repentance, and humility. Greg and John shared in this segment.
President Obama at National Prayer Breakfast
“We Came, We Saw, He Died” – Hillary Clinton
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