LISTEN NOW! The times and seasons that we are experiencing as a people, is vital for us to see and understand. For some reason, the eyes of humanity have a record of overlooking the events of evil until it is too much to bare and too much to look away from. History is repeating itself. If we do not pay attention, the evil of the past atrocities will come full force in the days of today. Glenn Beck and The Blaze shares a sobering warning to the generation of today. From the words of Winston Churchill, we have a choice to make. One of the first things our President did when he took office was to send back the bust of Churchill.
Fox News reports that travesties of back to back acts of terrorism have just occurred in Denmark. The perpetrator dedicated his acts of violence to Islam. Of all places where the shootings occurred: in a synagogue. When MSNBC interviewed Marie Harf, spokesperson to the US Department of State, her comments regarding the beheadings and evil events taking place, were the result of a lack of jobs.
What is really happening here? The world is being organized. What is the target; Jews and Christians. The simple tactics that are being used have been around since Lucifer organized a third of the angels against God in heaven. This is nothing new. But, if we do not pay attention, we will fall prey to the narratives that the enemy desires. We cannot follow men and their deceitful scheming. When World War II began, it was on the heels of Arch Duke Ferdinand dying. One man falls and we were at war. The enemy would love for there to be a global war. When war happens a mass amount of people die, borders change, and Constitutions go. For lives to be lost, lives that do not know Jesus Christ as their Lord, is to seal their eternal fate. We can wake up. We can pay attention to what is truly happening, not be led by those who are driven by scheming and be driven by the Light. Be encouraged as you hear the hope of how to respond in these demanding realities, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Glenn Beck, World War III, Radical Islam, Winston Churchill, Nazis, New York Times, Jordanian Pilot, Denmark, Copenhagen, MSNBC, Marie Harf, CBN, Marshall Ganz, and humility. Greg and John shared in this segment.
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