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Home » The Rising Tide of Persecuted Christians in the Middle East: We must not close our eyes or cover our Ears: Now is the Time to Act

The Rising Tide of Persecuted Christians in the Middle East: We must not close our eyes or cover our Ears: Now is the Time to Act


Courtesy of Photosebia/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! For some, the end of the persecution that is happening in the world is simply just a click of the remote control or a change of a dial. But, for others, it is a reality that is beyond the comprehension of evil. In the Middle East, continual travesties and the horrific slaughtering of children and their families are happening over and over, and over again. In a recent interview, Glenn Beck sat down with the author of Defying ISIS, Johnnie Moore. As a man who has traveled extensively to the Middle East and visited those who are experiencing these atrocities, Moore has connected deeply with those being effected most. According to Moore, in one particular village, an ISIS convoy of 40 trucks rolled into a village. The ISIS militants didn’t ask the parents, but began by asking the children if they are Christians. The children began to be murdered, one by one, because of their allegiance to Jesus Christ; the wives in these villages are being raped and the daughters are being taken into sex slavery. When the Christians in the Middle East were asked about the Christians in America, they ask how these are events are not known? They feel that they are forgotten.

It’s important to remember that Thomas was one of the original disciples in the New Testament. Jesus gave the gospel to Thomas and Thomas carried the gospel to the Middle East. As the church in America, we would have no history if it were not for the Church in the Middle East. Their history is our history. Glenn asks a riveting question as he remembers the images of the 21 Christians that were beheaded on the shores of Tripoli. As if the death of 21 Christians were not enough, Glenn  recalls the blood colored ocean tides, “how is that not everywhere?” Moore continues to share the sobering realities of ISIS’s intentions towards America. Their belief is that if someone lives in America, they are Christian.


There is so much virtual reality taking place in our generation, that for some, it is hard to differentiate from what is virtual and what is reality. This is really happening. We have to awaken to the truths that are occurring on our watch, in our generation, and during the time that we will have to answer to God about what we did or what we did not do. If not, we are susceptible to the dangers of comfort and convenience. The only greater concern than these truths that are happening is the concern that we are not concerned. Jesus said in Luke 9:23-24, “Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it.” It matters how we respond. It matters how we don’t respond. Hear more of the interview and the implications of effects of our response in this critical hour, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: ISIS, Middle East, Marytrs, Tripoli, 21 Christians, The Blaze, Defying ISIS, 40 trucks, satellites, Mosul, Nineveh, and humility. Greg and John shared in this segment.  WATCH FULL PROGRAM!



Johnnie Moore on Glenn Beck Program
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