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Home » The Evilness of the Iran Nuclear Agreement; like Neville Chamberlain in 1938?

The Evilness of the Iran Nuclear Agreement; like Neville Chamberlain in 1938?

LISTEN NOW! There are many different voices sounding regarding the Nuclear Agreement Negotiations with Iran. As Prager University recently released a video regarding a simple understanding of what is taking place, it is just that, a simple understanding that this nuclear agreement is simply evil. “We say that evil is dark, but this metaphor is imprecise. Evil is intensely bright. So painfully bright, that people look away from it. Many even deny its existence.” This is very true to what is taking place. The events that are unfolding across the world, is so clear to see, but many refuse to acknowledge them for the evil that it is.
In the 1940’s, there was an open evil that was leading a nation: Adolf Hitler. Many refused to believe the evil that was on the horizon. In the coming moments, Europe would experience World War II and the killing of 55 million people. Before World War II began, British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain met with Adolf Hitler and signed the Munich Agreement. This was done in the hopes for peace. Looking back, we can see clearly, peace was not the result.
Prager University shares the staggering comparisons of the Munich Agreement and Nazi Germany and the Nuclear Agreement with Iran:
“The Nazi Regime was a police state. The Islamic Republic of Iran is a police state. The Nazis greatest aim was to exterminate the Jews of Europe. Iran’s greatest aim is to exterminate the Jewish State. The West dismissed Hitler as the Jew’s problem. The West dismisses Iran as Israel’s problem. Nazi Germany hated the West and its freedoms. The Islamic Republic of Iran hates the West and its freedoms. Germany sought to dominate Europe. Iran seeks to dominate the Middle East and the Muslim world. And, just as Britain and France appeased Nazi Germany, the same two countries along with the United States have chosen to appease Iran.”


What we are currently witnessing in our present day not only mirrors the events of 1938, with the possibility of war, it is unfolding to be much worse. Iran is openly an enemy of Israel, as well as an enemy of America. Watch the full video to see the clarity of urgency of what is taking place, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Nazi Germany, Iran Nuclear Agreement, Neville Chamberlain, peace, World War, Veterans against the Deal, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and repentance. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.
screen capture from youtube.com/PragerUniversity

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