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WATCH! Jan Walters Healing Testimony and the Continuation of the Awakening Healing on the Gulf Coast Question and Answer Session




WATCH! Awakening Healing Conference on the Gulf Coast Special Question and Answer Session with Art Thomas and Greg Lancaster part 2

It is an exciting and encouraging moment when we see the hand of Jesus touch someone and impact their lives. Jan Walters shares this very reality when God touched her knee. After 10 years of knee pain, Jan was not only completely healed, she was able to stand on that leg. This is what God is doing in so many lives. This was just one testimony of many that God did during the Conference.   

Imagine a wealthy man who recently gets married only to have his friends confront him with the reality, “she married you just for your money”. He responds by saying, “that’s why I got the money”. When we see these realities occurring, it’s a sobering reminder to realize that some will desire the ability to heal someone simply to have a platform for themselves. We cannot be gift focused. Regardless of what happens, we must remain Jesus focused, love focused, and others focused. Art gives a humbling focus by saying, “The problem is, people want a platform handed to them.” He continues, “If you want a platform, go get somebody saved, go make a disciple. They will hang on your every word and you’re going to be held accountable before God for what you do, for what you say.” Having a ‘platform’ should never be for our benefit but, on the contrary, for the benefit of others.    

Currently, there is a mindset in the world that few want to take the time to raise children and pour into the next generation. Is the reason society does not value children because the Church does not value them? The most selfless thing we can do is raise children. In the sense of The Church, that means making and raising disciples of Jesus Christ; not disciples of ourselves or our organization. We find out who we really are in the context of relationship. “The only way I can actually love God, is to love you.” This is the reality that will always set the Church apart from the world. It is by our love that we are known. This is why being connected to a healthy body of believers is so important.    

Art continues to share from his own experiences and testimonies that when the Church begins to move and walk out how the Bible demonstrates it, “It’s really messy”. He reminds us how Paul and Barnabas powerfully shared the gospel only to establish elders and continue on after fasting and prayer. It’s God that is doing this, not us. In the same breath, there is mighty testimonies that happen, relationships are mended, marriages are saved, demons are cast out, the body of believers are protected by the hand of God, souls are won into the Kingdom, and people are baptized in the Holy Spirit. This is The Church as Jesus calls us to walk. 

Allow your faith to be stirred and greatly lifted as you hear more of these exciting testimonies, how you can gain from these years of wisdom and so much more. Also shared in this segment: The Bride of Christ, influence, gifts, platforms, singing, eternity, persecution, worship, marriage, demons, spiritual warfare, witch doctors, family, church planting, elephants, obedience, discipleship, love, and The Great Commission. John and Steve shared in this segment.  




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