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Home » Christians Facing Persecution: From 19 Year Career Navy Chaplin to a Young Girl in Uganda; their Allegiance to Jesus is Inspiring

Christians Facing Persecution: From 19 Year Career Navy Chaplin to a Young Girl in Uganda; their Allegiance to Jesus is Inspiring


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LISTEN NOW! When Navy Chaplain Lt. Cmdr. Wes Modder, began his career in the Navy, he may have never thought possible the reactions he would be living out today because of his faith. When Modder gave counseling services to other service members, teaching from the Bible, the response he received, earlier this year, was less than expected. Multiple complaints came against him wanting him to be removed from command. A 19 year career with the Navy was on the line. Modder stood unwavering. In an interview with CBN, Modder expresses a bold statement about these consequences. “I think the best thing for the Church is persecution, and I know that sounds counter intuitive; but we need to stand for religious liberty.”
Persecution is beginning to rise and take on new threats in America. What about in the rest of the world? Christians in areas like North Korea and the Middle East have been suffering the worst kind of persecution imaginable for years. In one particular story a little girl, born in an Islamic family, gives her life to Jesus Christ. Her father responds by locking her in a room, by herself, for 3 months. Her punishment? For refusing to deny Jesus. The resiliency and commitment to stand unapologetically for Jesus Christ in the life of this young girl will challenge and inspire you to do the same in your life. When we see both of these realities, the realities of persecution, it is a reminder of what Jesus said to His disciples in Matthew 10:18-22:
“On my account you will be brought before governors and kings as witnesses to them and to the Gentiles. But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.
“Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death. You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.”

These are the realities that many Christians are facing today. If we are a follower of Jesus Christ, these realities should not shock us when it happens in our lives. The truth is this: we find out where our true allegiance is when we experience hardship because of Jesus. Jesus paid the highest cost with His own life for each and every one of us; why would we think that any less could be considered acceptable? Not only is persecution coming, but, it is here. We need to come humbly before the presence of God and seek His heart in matters as these. Allow your reality and truth in Christ to be challenged as you come face-to-face with those who are sold out for Christ, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: CBN, Persecution, Navy Chaplain Wes Modder Lt. Cmdr., work, employers, family, gray areas, allegiance, love, truth, and humility. John and Steve shared in this segment.

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