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Home » WATCH! Iranian missile misses Aircraft Carrier USS Harry Truman by 1500 yards; and Hitler’s Mein Kampf about to be released?

WATCH! Iranian missile misses Aircraft Carrier USS Harry Truman by 1500 yards; and Hitler’s Mein Kampf about to be released?



Iran Fires Rocket 1500 Yards from USS Harry Truman


Just moments ago, a rocket came within 1,500 yards from the aircraft carrier, the U.S.S. Harry Truman. If this were not concerning enough, reports reveal that the missile was Iranian. According to NBC News, “The USS Harry S. Truman was crossing international waters in the Strait of Hormuz when Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRCGN) conducted a live-fire exercise right nearby.” It was in February of this year, when the world watched Iran carry out the mock exercise of blowing up an American aircraft carrier. It is also Iran who continually shouts for the death of Israel.

Does the name “Harry S. Truman” have any significance in this reality? It was Harry S. Truman who was America’s President when Israel became a nation in 1948. Truman expressed the full backing of the United States in support of Israel’s new statehood. It was also President Truman who received Israel’s first Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, to the White House; when Ben-Gurion came and presented a Hanukkah Menorah.

What are we doing? What direction are we continuing to go as a nation? Do we not see the warning signs that lie ahead of us lest we turn back to the heart of God? Watch and see the reports of what is taking place and the clear, connecting signs revealing the signs that are present, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: live fire exercise, ship, rebellion, politics, Israel, and humility. Greg and John shared in this segment.


Former Defense Secretary, William Perry, says “Nuclear Weapon released in Washington D.C.?”

While the NSA is reportedly spying on the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, former Secretary of Defense, William Perry, is voicing warning of the true threats that are looming. According to the Associated Press, “A terrorist attack using a nuclear bomb or improvised nuclear device could happen “any time now – next year or the year after”. In an interview with The Associated Press, Perry details how a possible scenario of a nuclear attack could be carried out in the United States, ultimately resulting in the detonation of a bomb, in Washington D.C., on Pennsylvania Avenue, “When detonated, it kills 80,000 people instantly, including the president.” Perry continues, “The danger of a nuclear bomb being detonated in one of our cities is all too real”.

We are witnessing terrorist actions of “jihad” being carried out upon American soil more and more, each and every day. What is additionally concerning is hearing leaders commenting that no evidence of this was known beforehand. Why? Reportedly, social media is not vetted when conducting background checks. How can we be warned, as a nation, about the coming possible threats facing our nation, if we are not even aware of the signs?

If America is to become fearful and scared, the rights of our nation, The Constitution, would be offered up as a plausible exchange for safety. If we are looking to any other source other than God to prop us up and support us, the outcomes are not good. It is important for us not to buy into the narratives that are being promulgated over the nations of the world. Regardless of where supposed “threats” may originate from, we have to see people as God sees them and not solely as the media is portraying them to be. Be informed as you get a Biblical understanding to the events rising throughout the world, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: National Security Agency, World War III, James Robinson, social media, San Bernardino, Radical Islam, Mark Zuckerberg, Babylon, New York City, Washington D.C., prohibition, stock market crash, Roaring 20’s, Brigitte Gabriel, and humility. Greg and John shared in this segment. 


Adolf Hitler’s Book Mein Kampf being Released in 2016, Why Now? And is there any to Connection to Jihad


These truly are the days when prophecy is being carried out at such a rapid rate. With all that is going on, the most recent happening may cause you to simply shake your head in disbelief. Written by Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, meaning “my struggle”, is set to have its copyright lifted, enabling open printing and publication. Of all the dates for this to be released, after 70 years; it is happening January 1, 2016. The timing of this is simply crazy.

When this copyright is lifted, what are the mindsets that are going to be loosed? The mindsets that are expressed in this book sound very much like what is articulated in Saul Alinsky’s, Rules for Radicals. It’s about organizing people. For starters; “All great movements are popular movements. They are the volcanic eruptions of human passions and emotions, stirred into activity by the ruthless Goddess of Distress or by the torch of the spoken word cast into the midst of the people.” and “Germany will either be a world power or will not be at all”.

When we hear warnings of potential threats and dangers that are in the distance, we tend to devalue their threat. It is important to remember that Hitler rose to power over a 14 year stretch, from 1919 to 1933. What gradually resulted in the taking away of the rights of Jews, resulted in the blunt action of Kristallnacht, and the ultimate extermination of 6 million Jews. We must heed these warnings with the valid concern that they express, acknowledge our choices that have brought us to this reality, and ultimately turn back to God. Hear the full story of what is happening, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Turkey, Jerusalem, hegemony, 6 Days in Iraq, Supreme Court, marriage, humility and repentance. Greg and John shared in this segment.  

Additional quotes from Mein Kampf:


“The art of leadership. . . consists in consolidating the attention of the people against a single adversary and taking care that nothing will split up that attention. . . . The leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they belonged to one category.”


“A man does not die for something which he himself does not believe in.” 
“Sooner will a camel pass through a needle’s eye than a great man be ‘discovered’ by an election.”
“Mankind has grown strong in eternal struggle, and only in eternal peace does it perish.”
“All the human culture, all the results of art, science and technology that we see before us today, are almost exclusively the creative product of the Aryan. This very fact admits of the not unfounded inference that he alone was the founder of all higher humanity, therefore representing the prototype of all that we understand by the word “man.” He is the Prometheus of mankind from whose shining brow the divine spark of genius has sprung at all times, forever kindling anew that fire of knowledge which illuminated the night of silent mysteries and thus caused man to climb the path to mastery over the other beings of the earth . . . It was he who laid the foundations and erected the walls of every great structure in human culture.”


“Blood mixture and the result drop in the racial level is the sole cause of the dying out of old cultures; for men do not perish as a result of lost wars, but by the loss of that force of resistance which is continued only in pure blood. All who are not of good race in this world are chaff.”
“A folkish state must therefore begin by raising marriage from the level of a continuous defilement of the race, and give it the consecration of an institution which is called upon to produce images of the Lord and not monstrosities halfway between man and ape.”
“There must be no majority decisions, but only responsible persons . . . Surely every man will have advisers by his side, but the decision will be made by one man.”
“From millions of men . . . one man must step forward who with apodictic force will form granite principles from the wavering idea-world of the broad masses and take up the struggle for their sole correctness, until from the shifting waves of a free thought-world there will arise a brazen cliff of solid unity in faith and will.”


“The spark of a genius exists in the brain of the truly creative man from the hour of his birth. True genius is always inborn and never cultivated, let alone learned.”
“Any alliance whose purpose is not the intention to wage war is senseless and useless.”


“Armies for the preservation of peace do not exist; they exist only for the triumphant exertion of war.”


“Their sword will become our plow, and from the tears of war the daily bread of future generations will grow.”


“What we have to fight for is the freedom and independence of the fatherland, so that our people may be enabled to fulfil the mission assigned to it by the creator.”


“For there is one thing we must never forget… the majority can never replace the man. And no more than a hundred empty heads make one wise man will an heroic decision arise from a hundred cowards.”



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