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Home » Largest Gathering of World Leaders Gathered in Paris: Global Climate Change Conference- Is the World being Organized for something worse?

Largest Gathering of World Leaders Gathered in Paris: Global Climate Change Conference- Is the World being Organized for something worse?


LISTEN NOW! The largest gathering of world leaders has convened in Paris at this very moment. With the many concerning events happening around the world, one would think this assembly is being gathered about economic issues or possibly the threat of Radical Islam. It’s not either. More than 150 world leaders have come together to discuss global warming; climate change. This summit is scheduled for 12 days with the focus of lowering the temperature of the Earth by two degrees.
According to President Barack Obama, “No challengeposes a greater threat to future generations than climate change”. Reportedly, the Obama Administration is seeking a deal without the involvement of Congress. Former Vice President, Al Gore, said it in these words: “The design of the Paris negotiation is really driven in large part by the desire to get an agreement that does not have to go through the Treaty Ratification Process”. From the standpoint of the American public, there is a different perspective of the climate change being heard. Reportedly, only 3% of Americans believe that Climate Change is the highest of concerns in America.
All of this sounds eerily familiar within the pages of Saul Alinksy’s, Rules for Radicals. A book that not only gives recognition to a young Barack Obama, before he was President, and a young Hillary Clinton, before she was Secretary of State or President nominee,  it also gives recognition to Lucifer in the opening pages. Alinksy wrote about climate change this way, “Remember: once you organize people around something as commonly agreed upon as POLLUTION, then an organized people is on the move.  From there it’s a short and natural step to political pollution, to Pentagon pollution.” This is not secret information. The words of these pages can be found in a local book store. While the leaders of the world are gathering to discuss the “threat” of climate change, ISIS has released their newest video about their global plan involving the Caliphate and their armies massing against America in order to bring about their desired outcomes. What is the agenda behind all of this? Is there an end game?

As the Church, we cannot be distracted by what is being promulgated and focused upon by the leaders in the world. We must keep our focus upon Israel. By looking at the very words of Alinksy, it is no surprise to hear what President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, had to say while at this summit in Paris. “Our resources are being usurped, our trees are being uprooted, our agriculture is being destroyed”, this is understandable as the summit is about global warming, but who Abbas points the blame to is alarming. The Times of Israel continues in the report, “Abbas said his government had made ‘great progress’ in adopting climate change laws, but complained that ‘continued Israeli occupation and violation of international laws related to the environment’ was a central challenge in their implementation…”. How does the focus go from climate to Israel? We cannot fall prey to this misleading and attentions of the world. Our hearts and prayers must remain vigilant in support of Israel. Watch the full report to see the unfolding of events that has led to day, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: COP21, global warming, climate change, ISIS, radical Islam, Paris, distraction, CBN, Fox News, Rules for Radicals, Congress, The Constitution, agenda, distractions, deception, and prayer. John and Steve shared in this segment.
Courtesy of Frederic Legrand – COMEO/Shutterstock.com



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