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Home » While the World’s Eyes are Focused on ISIS: Let’s Keep Our Eyes on Israel and Israel’s Enemies: Iran Exercising War Games? Secretary of State John Kerry talks Binational State?

While the World’s Eyes are Focused on ISIS: Let’s Keep Our Eyes on Israel and Israel’s Enemies: Iran Exercising War Games? Secretary of State John Kerry talks Binational State?


LISTEN NOW! There are so many events happening in the world, in America, and in our own communities that we can easily become focused only on what we encounter. Amidst all of these occurrences, we must keep Israel on the forefront of our hearts and minds. Israel is experiencing acts of terror, as well, on a daily basis. CBN is reporting how another stabbing attack has occurred in the streets of Jerusalem. Reportedly, two teenagers attacked a 70 year old woman with scissors. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) are reporting, just in two months, there have been “30 shootings, 12 car rammings, 82 stabbing attacks, 1,617 stone throwings, and 651 Molotov cocktails used against Israeli citizens.”
As the continual attacks within Israel are occurring, attacks are happening outside Israel; this time with words. According to Breitbart, Secretary of State John Kerry has recently stated, “The one-state solution is no solution at all for a secure, Jewish, democratic Israel living in peace. It is simply not a viable option.” Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu strongly opposed these remarks, “Israel will not be a binational state.”Netanyahu continues,”But in order for there to be peace, the other side must decide that they also want peace, and unfortunately that is not what we are seeing.”
As the talks about the land of Israel continue, the nation of Iran is continuing its vehement demonstrations of anti-Israel threats. As Iran has repeatedly called for the annihilation of Israel, they are rehearsing their intentions in a real-world scenario of war games. According to israelnationalnews.com, “Thousands of paramilitary forces from Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guard held a war game simulating the capture of Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque from Israeli control.”When a nation repeatedly calls for the annihilation of Israel, we have to take these type of events seriously.
All of this does not damper the resilience of the Israeli people. Regardless of the whirlwind of commotion and threats happening all around the Israeli people, they remain steadfast and grounded in their heritage as they celebrate Hanukkah. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a special trip to one of Israel’s elite military units to express his gratitude and thanks for all of their efforts.
It is vital that we remember that Israel must retain the right to defend itself. Israel is being attacked on multiple fronts threatening their peace and safety. From the eyes and perspective of the mainstream media, one would see the existence of the Israeli Defense Forces with many blemishes, because of the repeated loss of lives of innocent civilians. This is simply not true. Contrary to many reports, Israel has the most moral military in the world. As Prager University has continually kept the light shining regarding the truths of Israel, their understanding of Israel’s military is no different.
As one who has personally witnessed the events and decisions of Israel’s military, Colonel Richard Kemp, Commander of British Army (ret.), would know the truth about the realities regarding Israel. As Israel fought the forces of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, they received a repeated fire of missiles and guns from Gaza. How is Israel supposed to respond? As Kemp emphatically details, “The IDF took extraordinary measures to give Gaza civilians notice of targeted areas; dropping millions of leaflets, broadcasting radio messages, sending texts, and making tens of thousands of phone calls.” That in itself demands repeating. “The Israelis called the Gazans on their cell phones and told them to leave their residences and move to safety.” Is this what you’ve heard about the activities of Israel towards Gaza? Probably not.  What a contrast!

The truths and realities of Israel must remain on the forefront of our hearts and minds, especially upon our lips as we lift them up asking God to intervene on their behalf and protect Israel, protect the Jewish State, and to protect the Israeli people. Allow your perspective of Israel to be greatly challenged, the truth of what is taking place in Israel, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: two state solution, Palestinian Authority, Hanukkah, San Bernardino Shooting, Radical Islam, nuclear negotiations, al-Aqsa Mosque, and prayer. John and Steve shared in this segment.
Courtesy of Aleksandar Mijatovic/shutterstock.com



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