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Home » Czech Republic Open their Country to Persecuted Iraqi Christians from Iraq

Czech Republic Open their Country to Persecuted Iraqi Christians from Iraq


LISTEN NOW! Persecution against Christians is happening on a wide spread occurrence throughout the Middle East. Christians are seeking refuge from the horrifying acts that are taking place in Iraq, Iran, as well as other regions. Refuge has been found for 153 of these Christians in the Czech Republic. CBN shares the encouraging story of how Majeed Kurdi was the first to arrive with his family. Welcomed by microphones and reporters, Majeed shares about his plans after arrival, “We have come here first to provide a secure life for our families and secondly to get a job and do something here in order to serve society as well as to take care of our families.”

This is such an encouraging moment to be able to witness as he arrives with his family and shares additional comments about what took place in Iraq before he was able to travel to the Czech Republic. Also shared in this segment: persecution, Radical Islam, jizzya tax, and asylum. Greg and John shared in this segment.
screen capture from CBN.com


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